[FM] Fun Chaos!? ~ Everyone Won? Mafia, Medusa, Werewolf, Guardian, And Town win!

insanity is full revived :confused:

he shouldn’t die

It isn’t tho.

Simon outed us I want a fighting chance!

He came from the grave tho.

yes it is

marl was outed as mafia a loooooooooong time ago

you were outed with your scummy as fuck laws

stop blaming this on simon with your shitty plays, ok

/vote Firekitten


You said I was outted by hippo.

firekitten: passes law KILLING THE CONFIRMED JAILOR

also firekitten: it’s all simon’s fault!


Voted Voters Vote Amount
Soul FK. 2
FK Eevee, Insanity, Max. 3


Nah that was I learned Simon outted you so I went all in

i’m not talking in this game anymore ugh what a waste of time

/vote FK

@shurian when you get on, vote FK and gg we win

Actually end the day.

I want to see what happens when shurian loses.

/Vote Firekitten

I’m tired of this game speed it up.

And i already knew you knew I was mafia at night.

That law was passed because I was going all in

No you.

You are basically scum with your ability and the way you request stuff.

I mean shurian loses.


Voted Voters Vote Amount
FK Eevee, Insanity, Max, FK. 5

You are dead.

I’m taking you with me

I thought shuri was merc and maxi was his target?