[FM] Fun Chaos!? ~ Everyone Won? Mafia, Medusa, Werewolf, Guardian, And Town win!

/vote Sam


Sam17z ~ 4 ~ FK, Marl, GO(Grassowl/Max)

who is this? :thinking:


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Well I would but I am too lazy tbh

Well not MK I would just warn

/vote Sammy


Sam17z ~ 5 ~ FK, Marl, GO, Insanity

/vote Sam

Rock on, Ashe. :+1:

Heya peeps.
Someone is to protect Insanity like their life depends on it.

Just read Marl’s message. Was gonna start going off about how he knew and stuff…

/vote Sam

Note Bastard Mechanics are in play. Also, no one attacked my dear and I last night.

Memesky,Sam,Firekitten. One of them is mafia.

@Marluxion check this fact?

I already checked a different fact

I checked this and it was not a fact.

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/vote sam

If sam flips town, sweet mother of god someone roleblock eevee and / or soulshade

We found 2 maf so gg ez no re ok

neutrals exist tho

Nvm just saw how scum sided amazing

um, guys…
i had a night result that basically said there was something bastard in play

Duh, read the op