[FM] Fun Chaos!? ~ Everyone Won? Mafia, Medusa, Werewolf, Guardian, And Town win!

I however see that as a town tho.

If you aint mafia, why assume you are mafia lul.

In dead chat.

I can confirm two things…

First, there is one person that needs another person alive.

Second, they both shares a dead chat.

The first one is me.
The second one is htm being lazy and putting directly into my guardian chat.

We need to vote Soul. Insanity you need to vote Soul. So here is the deal if Soul isn’t scum then Marl is scum. And that’s it Marl voted me first so if Soul isn’t scum then Marl is scorned with me as a Target

/vote Soul, then, I am pretty gullible

Heal me tonight please.

to fully address and persuade your point, you must address the counterpoint

i learned that from high school english class

Thought you’re dead.

Btw you want to heal me thanks

that, and it is a possibility
they could have rolled mafia in the beginning, even if they arent now, so they can use what would have happened if that was the case to prove they arent now

If Soul is scum that means Eevee is scum too and Marl is telling the truth and if Soul is Town then Marl is a lying sack of scum who lied about Simon being town


The thing is if Marl’s lying you could easily be scum.

yes, yes i could. your point?

also if marl is scum he could have either told the truth about me that i am town to gain my respect or lied about my being mafia

That is the point.

This is also true. He could have tried to white knight you

so marl being mafia doesnt necessarily make me scum


or you are mafia. an equal possibility