[FM] Fun Chaos!? ~ Everyone Won? Mafia, Medusa, Werewolf, Guardian, And Town win!

Playing jester is too hard

Sam look at this fact


And that’s how we know you’re just terrible scum
because no jester would admit to being a jester

Marl is scorned

Fire kitten let me rot in jail tonight after we Lynch Soul or eeve

Objection. I have actually won doing this.

Let jailkeeper jail and ex’s me tonight pkease

Hold on I’m making a bastard deal it takes time.

No, you’re getting hung.

Scorned wants me to get hung. But if you are Town you wouldn’t be against me getting executed right

If I am jester then we should let me get exped by prince and let Soul get hung

Sam what is so hard about claiming?

I am jester let me die by jailkeeper and lets hand soul or eevee

i actually regularly claim fool on stand in FoL and it pretty much always get me exe’d

hell in FoL 6 I softed fool load when I was being suspected and they hung me cuz a fool wouldn’t do that lol.

Firekitten, Marl is scorned I don’t want him to win. We have a confirmed jailkeeper let him exe me please

Just claim?

Let’s get Soul today though

I am a jester now let me get executed by jailkeeper

Let’s get Soul today