[FM] Fun Chaos!? ~ Everyone Won? Mafia, Medusa, Werewolf, Guardian, And Town win!

“Let me execute this confirmed town because I’m salty he’s pushing on me”
great town motivation there Samuel

Bastard has noth8ng to do with the classes and mafia jailor is bastard with the classes

Mafia jailor IS NOT BASTARD.

You aren’t confirmed Town. Don’t know what you are in about

Did anyone confirm Marl as Town?

That part may have been me FHLUCAEOSIN, woah that glitched…

I’m going to try to sleep again now :zzz:

I would say a lie detector class is inherently bastard
same with resurrecting the dead

so you’re absolutely wrong

If there is a cop who checked me last night please speak up and put the nail in sam’s grave

Or you are lying about this and you are scorned pushing me which makes the classes not bastard

wow its almost like the host just confirmed that the classes are bastard

Let me get executed by prince please

Because I am prince and it won’t happen

A b s o l u t e l y N o t.

Squirm all you want, worm. You die here.

It’s so obvious that you are scorned it’s nit even funny. Executing jailor claims well Marl I guess you just revealed

This seems like a interesting conversation that I want to be apart of.

Tbh I would totally agree with marl here. I would totally put a mafia jailor in this game. It’s a fun role.

/Vote Sam

dear god it’s like you have earplugs in so you can’t understand english

If Sam flips scum, night investigators check someone on the Soul Wagon, or soul himself.


Just because they can be town doesn’t mean they are.