there’s like 10 percent of me that’s scared that you’re faking mindmelds, and also doing the thing we talked about in Wooloogame where you talk about conversations with your hydra partner for towncred

but like

that’s probably silly and you’re probably just town

I’m more scared that you are faking mindmelds because almost all of the mindmelds we’ve had came from me first and then you posted later

but like

that’s probably silly and you’re probably just town

And then both Arete and Marshal are scum.

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That is not what my post was. My post was just pointing out how wolfy you had been. You know that, since you specifically asked for it.

But hey, anything goes to make me look bad, right?

Sure, sure, you keep saying that, but you can’t coherently say what is bad, nor why it is bad.

Again, thanks misrepresenting and shading me.

I mean, I wasn’t expecting Derps to make any decent posts, but hey, turns out he can make those when he’s not too busy willaging.

Like, do you honestly expect to get away with just misrepresenting all my reads on you, and just dismissing them as bad? There is no way in hell people won’t eventually realize how obvious of a wolf you are here, especially not after my flip.

Again, you know why I made that wallpost on you, so stop pretending you don’t and stop using to try and make me look worse, because it’s not going to work. And that last part doesn’t even apply here, because you are not being towny.

Like, if people somehow still fail to see how obvious of a wolf Marshal is, I suppose I could also ISO kat, although they are less wolfy.

Yes, it is basically just an overconfident scumread, that’s not why I’m reading Marshal as a wolf. It’s because they keep using misrepresentation and shade to try and make me look worse, when town!Marshal has no reason to do that.

It’s just not the way Mode plays as scum. Like, he just tunnels people as soon as they make a “bad” post, not some weird hedges about a player being active when they didn’t even stand out that much.

pretty sure you just described Mode’s town meta :upside_down_face:

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So first of we got nothing but good vibes from Centuries, I have explained this before. Mode came on and said hes some wrestling group or something, but hasnt said anything that I would say is AI or anything so im more defaulting to the centuries read

Nap feels genuine throughout everything he posted especially in the him v Ami part. Basically it didnt feel forced and he was genuinly angry. I dont think as scum he would lose his cool like that from my past experience with him, so I am kinda hard townreading that

Janes weird. Like his whole argument with you felt like it was unneeded and didnt go really anywhere. His wallpost on you felt less of an iso and more like

Then the derps read was hella weird as he said before he didnt want to read Derps but said that a single pretty uneventful post of derps was towny.
/vote Jane

Aretes just been off this game to me. I think its from my inherent distrust of them after anime of not letting them fool me again. Like usually we just click on like spiritual gut level, but there’s been a lack of that this game. Amis been the opposite though, Ami does click with me. Everything they been saying feels genuine Ami energy ya know. Doesnt feel faked. Prob will iso later

this is shady

but also

I think this comes from annoyed V

I think Jane is fine, orange is probably gonna yell at me for this later.

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I still think Datwazza should die.

I mean, it was pretty much his town mate, until recently. Recently he’s been more logical and less tunnely as town.

No that is wrong, and you should stop that. :gun:

something something meta something something

uh more seriously I have some questions

  • Have you discussed any of these reads with Wazza?
  • If so, what did he think of them?
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on a real note even if I asked for you to quote where i’d been wolfy i’d expect some form of analysis on our slot.

like this is just such. an. awful. point.


What am I misrepresenting! You use that word a lot!

i’m done with this shit I have said exactly why it was bad I madeafuckingpost about it.

[quote=“Marshal, post:258, topic:82543, full:true”]
ok so i’m just going to say it

this is not a good case in the slightest

this was science only and never meant to shade you just ignore that post

[quote=“Jane, post:256, topic:82543”]

I’m not misrepresenting you

how am I misrepresenting you

I am saying that the way you are phrasing it is incorrect ! That’s not a shade, that’s the blatant truth!

[quote=“Jane, post:256, topic:82543”]

this is like

so much text

for a fucking joke commenting on kat looking uncomfortable

[quote=“Jane, post:256, topic:82543”]

and kat told me why in teamchat after I asked them. So it’s not useless, it’s directly bouncing off of sonething said earlier

[quote=“Jane, post:256, topic:82543”]

When I wrote this post, I DIDN’T KNOW WE HAD DIFFERENT DEFINITIONS. You can’t fucking say I ignored us having different definitions, WITHOUT. ME. KNOWING.

[quote=“Jane, post:256, topic:82543”]

daFUQ? The posts you quoted were me asking you a question and correcting you on your error. I’m not even pushing or shading you for that. I HAVE NOT BEEN SHADING YOU ALL GAME! I have said that I found your posts bad but that it’s not inherently wolfy. You say my goal has been to push you but I haven’t been fucking doing that

[quote=“Jane, post:256, topic:82543”]

this is just



im not using it to shade you! I specifically said it might be wolfy but isn’t inherently wolfy! You act like I am your #1 hater but I don’t even have a good read on your alignment right now! Even after this utter travesty of a case I still don’t even fucking scumlean you.

^ this post has 11173 characters. If that’s not enough of an explination then I don’t fucking know what to say!

He litterally just dmed me, thats hes been playing with friends all day. I have had minimal talk with him

It’s not the same thing, you damn nerd. You said that guy went into our ISO hoping to find a wolf, when I was already heavily wolfreading you before I started the ISO.

How is that not exactly what I did? I pointed out which posts where wolfy, and why they were so wolfy, AKA: analysis


I’ve already explained it, repeatedly, but you just dismiss it as “bad”.


I would appreciate if all of you could give me a GTH read as of right now on everyone else at-mentioned in the post

(Dat you can ignore this since you just did)


Does orange have any thoughts on the game? Since Marblelympics is over now we can, like, talk about how that was what was distracting him, and, well, it’s over so it’s not distracting him

if the answer is ‘no, because he started work at 1 AM because of Marblelympics stuff’ I get it


He said he’d read through the game in a couple hours. He was kinda dead last night and he had stuff going on today, also busy with work.