I’m gonna try something.

limp noodle

Weak individual - a person of weak character, weak physical constitution, weak mental constitution, or all three.

Travis is a limp noodle. He is simply unable to lead any project.

Confused Jane noises

I’m just going to assume it means weak.


You have full control over my vote for the next couple of hours.


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by the way

due to postcaps I am declaring marshal law ends at post 100

which will also probably end my devotion to comedy


until then

You have given me too much power

/quickhammer katshal

Now this is what you call being quickhammery.

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btw nap randed scum have fun with that

confused katze noises

If I’m going to jokingly tunnel you, I need something to bite on, you nerd. All you’ve done is complain that I’m not tunneling you – which is honestly quite confusing? What are you hoping to accomplish here?


God damn I blinked for two minutes, I just meme voted those two and now I have to waste a post unvoting.

I’'m going to assume that this is because I decided not to press people with questions or reaction test with my first posts?

Why does this feel like you’re trying to imitate that thing where you question Arete about how they handle your slot?

Hmm… eh, probably confirmation bias…


yeah thats what i thought lol

a few reasons

i’ll tease the first


Marshal > katze rn lmao

I mean

It’s not that I want you to tunnel me

It’s just that I think you’d be tunneling me if you were town

and that the fact that you aren’t comes from Wolfy Concern About Appearances

I’m not wasting any more of sulit’s posts but suffice to say I will be very busy for the majority of D1 and because there is also a post cap I’m probably going to be mostly absent



I wanted to do this beforehand.

I planned that announcement pre-roll.

There is also a reason for doing this and a certain event that prompted me to do it (which I can’t mention - no matter how much you press me)

And this playstyle is something I’ve tried out indirectly.

fuck it

i’m trying 3 posts early

arete is a villager

and bad at FM

but a villager


72% certain

So, you mean this post?

I’m pretty sure you’ve done this kind “I’m changing my playstyle” opener as town before.

Why do you think it’s scum!AI for Napoleon?

I’d rather he answer another question first actually.