Because the point you are arguing against Marshal was primarily orchestrated by me!

katze is literally regurgitating things nobody asked for

I’m out.

Have fun with this wall, Marshal.

they are the same slot
why would a person in the same slot not defend their slot??!

So what am I to fucking say?

it was kat’s idea

so like… read the motivation of kat? for the record I genuinely liked the idea and went along with it because I thought it was good.

I have also claimed/softed PR and gotten nightkilled.

DId it in virtuous 2 so saying claiming/softing big PR to draw nightkill is out of my range is stoopid

gut says Derps is the most likely partner for Kyo but I’m pretty sure it just thinks that because they agree on ~everything and their pushes are identical, pushing wolf agenda while acting smug about it isn’t outside of Derps’s townrange

Did I say katze defending their slot is the problem?
I’m saying katze defending Marshal with their own meta is pointless

but no of course not I was claiming cop to CC the actual cop in that game wasn’t I

it’s not like there can be townie motivations for claiming pr




of course not

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Can people read here
Or are we intentionally misunderstanding what I am saying
This has happened more than once

that makes no sense in a hydra situation bud

I want to see evidence it was orchestrated by katze
Because I don’t believe it

that be quoting classcard one,
but like hydras can make a thing they both do, even if its one persons meta. I dont see why Katze coming in saying it was their plan. Is any way to dismiss the point

orange hasnt been around for some time?

of course not

I struggle to soft


…do you still think arete is wolfier then the scientists then?

No, I mean in thread.

kat came up with the idea so the motivation of the FPS is them

and even if you don’t fucking believe it was I have a game where I literally did the exact same thing so screw off with your bullshit reasoning.

want to be invited to our fucking hydra chat because that’s all I got

even if you don’t believe it your point has been directly proven wrong so get fucking BOXED IN

Yes I want Arete to die over Marshal/katze currently

I don’t believe katze orchestrated it
You’ve shown before that you soft D1 as scum PR, including unique PRs
This is no different
You’re screwed

> softs unique PR as scum
> softs unique PR as town


“softing unique PR is scum AI because you did it as scum”

I respect you too much for you to be villager kyo

/vote kyodaz


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all wolves breathe and you breathd so ur scum haaaha!!11!! gottem bitch


I said it’s >rand likely to be t/w

Not that it is for sure t/w

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