These are the only three posts from me/Marshal in the signup thread that mention you at all, I don’t entirely get where you’re getting this “Marshal and katze are going to tunnel me from post 1” impression from?

I’m back

Gonna make some early reads

nappy/katshal v/v

Arete/ami are probably my top SL

Dat has very few posts but I dont like their opener(convoluted post)

Jane’s half done poking isn’t great

Gonna quote this postgame

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I disappear again

It appears I’ve already made it to the beach

Leave questions at the door



reason (thank u)



When I’m on PC ill go through it all

I mean maybe this is self-centered but, like, you guys were seriously considering ‘kill Arete’ as a hydra name

do you think that the answer to ‘was Arete seriously expecting a katshal tunnel’ is AI

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This post is just inherently bad. Like blanket villa read, no science no nothing. Its like ur calling them bad at FM which just rude, and village at a arbitrary number percent… No forethought to it. Why do u read them this way?



I think your read is like very dumb

you thought we would go 1 way with our memes in the opener

we went another way

i think you are probably town and if you are not I think i know your exact strategy and can catch you

I don’t think it’s AI

I think it’s a dumb thing to get hung up on

and I want you to solve other things than “marshal and kat didn’t memily tunnel me so that’s a good read right?”

That post was mostly a joke (although I wouldn’t have been fully opposed to it because it’s a funny name) but even if our hydra name was “Kill Arete” I don’t think I would have tunneled you from post 0?

To this specific question, No – but I still find it slightly hard to believe that you expected a katshal tunnel less than an hour into the game

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I have seen these type of plays not from Nappy but both from town and scum, and usually its like a rt to see how one deals with a bit of power more than anything.


If you don’t think it’s AI then why are you focusing your questions to me on it

/vote DatBird

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in short

I think they believe their reads

I think that the reads arete is making have been RealAreteReads™

I also think their push specifically on us for the tunnel thing is silly and not good

but I think arete is still probably a villager

and if they are not i know exactly what they are doing and should be able to tell if they keep it up

Because your question was a broad one, and my main concern is how early in the game you started pushing it!

Excuse me, I exist.

And I would like to know why you’re voting my friend?

/vote Datbird

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Unexplained votes annoy me.

Explain your vote. And fast.

@katze @Arete I already yelled at kat to stop this in chat and arete itt but I will re-iterate it

this argument is dumb, stop it, it helps nobody, ever, in any way, and does nothing, to anything, ever, in any time, ever, so stop

arete what are your takes (yes, TAKES!) on the thread rn

out of his four posts 2.5 of them feel fake

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First of all, as hit pardner, I would like to know what posts of his seem fake.

Additionally, if you check his posts, you have to check mine, they aren’t good but you still have to put that into context.