I disagree

I don’t think the reasons were good

my tone was bad, I agree with that, but the preflipping thing was ree

for the record

nobody once asked me why i was slanking and that felt weird because its very out of character for me

granted i said i’d slank pregame

but idk

my posts were really bad and i just didnt post much and i thought arete would catch on to me

Fuck I had the thought marshal felt like when he pushed me I. The one cop13 when he pushed me because I scumread him

Final 5, featuring:

2 village slots lowkey tunneling each other
and the third one not really doing anything

I know I’m oversimplifying but it’s still sad.


it was the

this thing
not preflipping



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Even if you did correctly yeet DatWazza, I think you always lose to Martze in final 3, so yeah.

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Why does town feel the need to self hammer with like an hour and a half left in the day

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Depends on who was in final 3

Who was Joat?

kat you did well

at the very least you kept my morale up

I had fun hydraing with you even if the game itself had a really deflating ending


postgame thoughts

I literally cannot remember the last time I played a game that I actively whatever-the-opposite-of-enjoy-is as much as I [that concept]ed this one


also i wrote a copypasta for hammering Arete in LyLo


We feel so honored to be the hammering vote. All of our hard work and dedication has paid off. Getting the last vote on Arete has been a dream of ours for many years, and we would like to thank those who have helped us along the way. First and foremost we would like to thank god for giving us this opportunity. Next we would like to thank our parents. We want to thank our friend Chloe, for being really cute and always there for us. We would also like to thank our pet tadpoles for surviving against all odds for over a week. Next we would like to thank the squirrel that lives in our backyard for climbing trees because that gives us the inspiration that we need to get through the day. This is a special moment in our life and we would like to thank any of our unmentioned friends and family that have helped us along the way. This moment will be a moment that we will never forget. We just remembered a few other people we would like to thank; Forum of Lies, the fish we caught in the third grade, the light in our room bc we wouldn’t be able to see our keyboards without it, the internet for letting us go on FoL, our house because without it we would be homeless, and last but not least we would like to thank all the people out there that actually took time out of their day to read this, except you Chloe . We cannot stress how much of a big deal to us this is. We have been trying to misexecute Arete on a game for years, but that has not been possible until this amazing day. Hopefully our good luck will continue, but this is undoubtedly a rare occasion. If you asked us how we did this, we would say, you can achieve anything u set your mind on. To all the kids out there reading this, we would like to tell them to follow their dreams. Misexecuting Arete is amazing, thank you everyone! :heart:

me and marshal didn’t want to keep the game going though

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we yeeted n1 cuz gamer



I can see why.
pat pat pat pat

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obvious PR randing PR was kinda oof

btw @DatBird you are fucking amazing you did super well ily


when the wolves are using logic and the villagers aren’t I tend to cling to the wolves as a beacon of reasonableness

and that was basically what happened this game


I think the main problem was that the Martze slot never really had any pressure throughout the game. Easy to write “good” posts when everyone reads you town and you don’t feel stressed.