for the record if the scumteam was katshal/Arete it would have been a fucking shitshow

i would have loved it

cases good ngl

But yeah the whole Kat/Marshal dynamic.
I think Napoleon put it well, it felt like Marshal was distancing from his own hydra head lmao.

hydra dissonance
it’s a valid tell guys I swear

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to be fair I found my other hydra head to be really wolfy early so I was forced to bus
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people calling out Ami for tryharding was really ???

it’s D3 and she has 32 posts

Insinuating it wasn’t a shit show regardless

It was less how many and more what was in them

Ami wasn’t tryharding.
I felt like she was parroting your reads and not doing much else.

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my posting was awful and i dont know why

ive like

never struggled to post as a wolf

or make decent sounding posts as a wolf

i intended on slanking this game but even when i TRIED to post i just couldnt

im probably due for a FM break

Ami played the game
Not that much of the game, but they did play it

I am not used to Ami making pushes, as I am used to the post lolmemes Ami lowposting and somehow skating by

I personally thought arete was like… super obvious villager


i also had TMI so what do I know

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it would have been a very different one

marshal/kat/arete scumteam will never end will

ami being the 4th one there would probably only make it worse

id be all for it

dat was a great teammate and wazza/amelia were fun too even if they had significantly less presence

I don’t know, you just… Felt off so early on.
Also I was memeing with someone completely unrelated and I still stand by this:

I noticed it but people would’ve probably just called it shade.

That was me you nerd.

Scumchat was a solid meme this game

I especially enjoyed the sheer amount of invite links that I sent out to the scum during the game

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because u kept banning us nerd

also sorry if this was answered before but what’s status on dead/spec is it gonn be private or open?

Huh, I thought it was Nappy.
Well, you were right. Also the push on you was nonsensical and made me want to scream.

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it was fun