Game just started lol

Marshal is more interesting and Gort and I’m pretty sure 90% of that was memes

I’m also more busy as well

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IMO that’s mostly NAI because me and Marshal, while sharing a slot, have different opinions

I’m expecting a “lolgutreads” answer, but… can you explain like, half of these reads?

I obviously disagree on your assessment on my slot, but I’d like to hear your specific take on sulit/Nappy/TBE.


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That’s exactly what I got in hydra chat

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Gorta can be V

Named a TvT really early and his posts just come from a V!gorta perspective

I guess this is partially a vibe read

Thread dead

most of us have been vibing about marbles

Derps is being nerd again so I’m gonna just try to read gorta

im in a good headspace


pure unfiltered marshal thoughts

@TheBlueElixir do less gutreads you are easier to read when you have more logic but I want explanations behind your reads

Dat maybe coached honestly @DatBird if you are villager post

nap is still wolf and jane’s vibe is superwack I had an earlier read but idk anymore

i have posted too much why this is unfair to kat and I am wasting posts they need to be bigger

im hyperhyper now ahhh those are da thoughts

this ones interesting, want to hear more on ur take on centuries

I now have too much dopamine in my brain to go to sleep due to marbles


Oh, I forgot that Mode was even on that hydra.

He’s pretty easy to read, so I’m actually not worrying about that slot at all for now – especially since I already TR Centuries.

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I refuse to do quote walls on mobile

Also i like to think I’ve explained each with something

Do you disagree with his take?

Town!Me has done random FPSes (in SFoL61/61.5)

@Arete Elaborate on how you interpret it.

I’m not really afraid but I didn’t expect Marshal to jump on me like that.

@an_gorta_pratai So you don’t like this exactly why?

Before I actually go read, let me summarize this argument against me.

Marshal argues that my posts have been performative, yet he acknowledges that I likely had this pre-roll anyways. He’s connecting this to wolf behavior despite it having no correlation. My RT is yet somehow scummy for being performative in the sense that he thinks it contradicts my plan of playing the game differently. Let’s just suppose it did. If this is being read as scummy, then the automatic assumption is that he doesn’t believe me. Having a plan and failing to follow through doesn’t reflect scumminess.

The main argument is that I have been “performative”. My “change in playstyle” is NAI as I’ve planned on making that post regardless of alignment, and that my Reaction Test is performative because it seemed purposeless.

Please come up with new arguments because I’ve debunked every one of yours lmao.

Sidenote: I’m frustrated. Call this performative or whatever. I don’t get frustrated when I’m read as wolf for good reasons as town or wolf. I get frustrated when I believe I’ve been read for bad reasons, regardless of my alignment. I’ve been frustrated at SDA in Virtuous II (regardless of whether his logic was good or not), because I believed it was underwhelming when it came to justifying a wolf read, despite me being wolf. So this is me calling Marshal’s reasoning shit.

Also is Marshal the only one who voted me?

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For one who brags about having a soulread on me you haven’t interacted with me at all

Anyways I’m going to open up now.

I don’t think I’m going to change playstyles anymore now that Marshal dragged me in

Nappy is doing the exact same thing i did in FoL 28

Literally spelled out what i was thinking during that game(or d1, at least), getting SR’d for it

They get to be town

this is a bad take regardless of either of your alignment

its not enough

dive deeper, give more

i feel like i’ve drank truth serum

if any of you want any brutal honestly on anything then just tell me I will give

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Marshalkat youve used half your posts already btw

Ill draw the parallels more when i can quote easy

Ami has like two ways of playing laid back ami, and like in your face ami. tbh its very nai for her to not have extreme enthusiasm. Anything other than that for why your reading her as top SL with arete?

calling entrance posts very lackluster is filler? None of them took effort or time to think, something any scum member could easily fake

yeah centuries is like easy town read from his posts. All good vibes from him.

I thought that specifically calling your announcement NAI was kinda meh and performative and a couple of the things you were doing didn’t really feel like they had a Reason for them, like the vote thing or whatever

Not really. I wanted to see how Jane reacted with me giving them power/seemingly buddying up with them.

Regardless, I don’t need a strong reason to do an RT. When I feel like it and feel that there might be a potential to produce something, I do it.

did u get anything major to you from it?