I bet you’ve also only read like three of my posts on accusing your slot, this read is superficial.

Legitimately in my self interest tbh, kinda hoping to see if ur read changed about me. Was hoping, but seeing how ur reacting it hasn’t.

Something feels off.

Too many long posts. I feel like people are trying to find something where there isn’t anything.

Or maybe I’m just tired and grumpy and don’t want to read long posts.

My dumb gut is telling me nappy is town even though my brain says no so that is a thing.

when i make short posts kat yells at me

that being said i’m using this post to say fuck you kat

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I don’t know… don’t you find it weird that no one joined in on your wagon at all despite multiple people suspecting me?

Then stop going tinfoil city if you think it’s a reach.

I’ve given Arete a chance to explain themselves, I didn’t find their explanation satisfactory for the reasons I’ve listed.

readability>post limit management

like i’ll skim walls of text

this discrediting of Ami’s read on you when she … hasn’t said anything about how many posts she’s read … is wolfy

you discrediting it in this particular way while claiming to scumread us is wolfier


if you think that we’re scum

and you think that Ami’s read is superficial

then the logical conclusion would be ‘Ami’s read is superficial (because she’s scum),’ not ‘Ami’s read is superficial (because she’s not reading my posts)’

and the fact that you jumped to the latter makes me feel like you have TMI that our slot is V

/vote Napoleon

@Geyde a VC would be nice

I mean I went for a tunnel on something I felt was initially a bit of a stretch, but Arete’s explanations failed to convince me that my grasps were actually grasps.

It’s less of a SR and more of a I don’t firmly believe they are town yet

I have suspicions about people changing their playstyles, but I just have you in my PoE and you are one of the ones that are more likely to leave the PoE

I think that I’ve only been dominating in that when I went into tunnel mode.

lol fuck off. It’s clear she only read my latter posts and I don’t think she would make a read like that if she read my entire ISO.

I want to case Arete/Ami and Nappy before this day ends

Not reading the thread doesn’t mean you are town. Try again.

i mean
yea it’s a surface level read
because it was what was on my mind and i spit it out

I’m wasting this post to say “no u” and to stop wasting posts, you nerd.

Fuck, now I’m doing it.

Wouldn’t you want to be somewhat readable in this setup? Yes this is mildly hypocritical of me to ask, but Napoleon is historically not that hard to read

I won’t then

I think that your case on arete and treatment of amirete is directly trying to imitate me. This is at best a tinfoil, I have no proof to back this up, besides going into some big text analysation where I find that you’ve never used this type of ruthlessness as villa.

and i’ll do that after dinner.

i don’t think you believe this take, or that it’s wolf AI
but it is very valuable to me

You yourself said that you were going to try to be sidelinesy so I don’t think the sidelines part is valid, and i’d want evidence on

I want evidence to back up this claim because if you think arete is faking mindmelds then back that up with some evidence or your push is also, at best, tinfoils.

[quote=“katze, post:355, topic:82543”]

No I don’t wnat to be that easily read as town when I’m town because it shows it’s not easy to tell town and wolf me apaert.

dude arete could be sending them messages and explaining their case to ami in their hydra chat. Like I guess its a bit different for u but when u can spitball reads to each other it helps

Well I didn’t consider that. :man_shrugging:

If you think she’s scum

then why do you think that the reason for her making ‘a read like that’ is that she didn’t read your posts


you are completely dodging my actual point here

which is that despite supposedly wolfreading our slot you’re assuming the reason for her having a read that you view as superficial is because she isn’t reading when if you actually think she’s a wolf you would see that as being the logical explanation!!