My vote stays on Arete.

I think Arete is town.

I still think Wazza should be yeeted, I should ISO him in Rirtual really fast.

I’m really conflicted on Nappy.

New World Order Broadcast #1

We are the new hope that will take place in this town.
We will give order, discipline and power.
We will solve all mysteries that are among us
We will stop at nothing to get rid of all evildoers standing in our way
We will be your heroes, your symbol you admire.

The New World Order, has arrived!

End Broadcast

Alright I gotta shower now lol

me and arete are the same slot lmao


your case on me is

‘Arete didn’t snapvote me at a point when they had me as kind of wolfy, and instead voted their other wolfreads’


‘I’m salty that Arete correctly identified my TMI on their slot’

also, because apparently it wasn’t clear enough: my answers didn’t suck, you’re just desperately searching for anything you can find to justify your atrocious push in the hopes that you can somehow salvage this for your scumteam

Did TBE do anything?



since you’re here in the thread

what was the most recent read that Wazza gave in your hydra chat (paraphrased)

He hasnt given any, I have spitballed a couple towards him. Hes been offline a lot


What’s the most recent read that you’ve given that Wazza’s responded to

and what did he think of it

He hasnt. Like I have sent him some reads in the past hour or so, but again he hasnt been online since

Meh. TBE is kind of underwhelming.

something to do with irl plus sleep

So what’s the latest?

nothing much like rn, but we had a ami/arete v Nappy situation like 15 mins ago

have u read thread mode?

Not very much.
Pretty busy.
Prob read it later.

ok will look forward to seeing ya takes on it

Ok so here’s what I’ve gathered.

GTG. Only managed to read up to Page “200”.

So Jane random voted us and thought it was a good vote (or meme voted) and Napoleon lol voted sheeped.

If one of them is scum, my bets on Jane.
I think Napoleon is just being Napoleon.

Suilt is pretty active at the SoD which I’m not sure if that means their scum or just really bored and wanted to post allot.

Marshal seems to be very loud which I think is more villagery.

TBE probably town based on entrants but it’s more of a gut read.
