oh ya she also sent something on you and jane for reads, let me dig em up

It was team activity tells lol. We both are scumread for that so we though it be funny to name us that


Yeah she said she thought both were scum but didnt go into detail

Well of course Jane flipped, but I will try and communicate more with her after dinner and get some more eplanations

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Jane was flipped VT at that point

Jane is the scummiest flipped VT

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I have arrived now

Said reads were made before the flip and before I actually replaced in

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oh so can you go into more about ur read then? Since ur here, what made u think arete was scum pre joining the game

At that point I agreed with kyo somewhat. It wasn’t a very strong SR compared to me absolutely thinking Jane would flip wolf.

Dat I have a question

Why are you asking Amelia about her read about me/the flipped VT now rather than when she told you about them

Cause shes around. She wasnt around much when she told me about em, I think I did ask but never got the answer

Now that that turbo is over:

Overnight, I thought Derps’ EoD was pretty awful, not only did they attempt to CFD off of a fake read (onto someone I townread no less) but they also just… didn’t give a shit about anything. The wagons at that point were Jane, Arete/Ami, and Dat/Waz – which is why we kind of agreed that W!Derps spews the latter two as town.

My only qualm in Derps’ favor is that I do remember liking some of gortas posting. I touched on this in post #717, but they were insistent in a fairly bad case, to the point where I think they actually believed in their (bad) case. At that point I kinda just slapped a light TL on them. I think Derps’ posting at EoD was more of a bad look than gortas case on Arete was a good look, if that makes sense.

Marshal was thinking that W!Derps makes most sense with W!TBE as well – but I didn’t have a strong opinion on that. He was saying that TBE showed a similar lack of care with regards to EoD wagons.

when Jane didnt self prez and I was reading up it was a lot like SFoL 61.5 but I wasnt there so w/e

you guys wanna see me write something itll be cool

sure my dude go for it

…I should re-read EoD

Also, since @Amelia is here – Sorry Marshal, the vote is my control now.

/vote Amelia

You gonna explain yourself?

it seems I cannot go 1 forum game without being voted by katze

eh no i wont

How I played d1

My tone was a reaction test

I wanted to see how people would interpret me being intentionally scummy


alright, admittedly ive been less aggressive with the whole scumhunting thing(by this I mean ive been a little less focused) - ill try to put in a little more but constantly calling me ‘underwhelming’ isnt a new thought by any means anymore so stop please thanks

also I was the only person who didnt end the day voting

I uh didnt really expect to be gone that long


ima look into what I think of slots



Napoleon ive already defended earlier - im not going to go over that again

Kyo is a fairly easy meta read, they’ve been actually making reads and trying to get things done

do think its weird nappy/kyo had the exact same reads but w/e


this read does not come from derps in any way

off of gorta - I tend to just let them PoE and roll over when they were town previously and I kinda want to not do that

And I think I can do exactly that because I think gorta is town

this is a bit of meta and perspective - his posts come from someone who has reads, believes in them, and wants to convince people of them. His posts do come from a bit more of a ‘ive solved’ then ‘I am solving’ perspective if that makes sense but I know gorta has growing confidence in their reads after being right alot and then getting ignored so I think its towny

also gorta’s ISO(the one he did, not his) has a ton of IIoA but it was the same thing in insurgency

also speaking of the ISO - its him having confidence in his reads and pouring effort into trying to get people to agree, and while it didnt have a lot of text it didnt seem like agenda from the reservations at the start of the Ami bit and it didnt feel like it was trying to pull things out of the air



I remember being a bit iffy on Sulit but Orange’s posting feels natural and they feel like interact with slots based on their read on them

alright im running out of time, so im going to make these shorter


Mode seems to be keeping to himself alot more then I usually see

Cent though doesnt feel out of place and is rather active with their thoughts, whether I disagree with them or not.

Dazza->Team activity tells

alright really quick now

both of these slots have had a lot of ‘filler’

‘be towny’ ‘watch out for post cap’ ‘JoAT dont out’ ‘dont quicklynch’

Dat also does a lot of ‘go read X, see im town’

wait heck

I just reread this last bit from Dat about their own slot

This one


I dont think W!Dat writes that

W!Dat I think would more avoid their own case? Like, they were a considered CFD, but not really a big wagon, so trying to address the not-really-formed-case against them wouldnt need to happen? Also the way they think of their case comes from town trying to avoid mislynch because they know their town and they know the case is bad

also I dont like clearing off of AtE but it is likely from town(in more then just this post)

bumping this slot from just above arete/ami to between NWO and Scientists


I havent looked very far into kat

but something about Marshal isnt sitting right

alot of his reads seem…weak? is the word

pushing nappy because an RT wasnt good?

tling arete because they pushed on the basis they werent getting tunneled?

this is just from the early bit but I think alot of the reads didnt have the reasoning line up with the read

‘but why isnt this lower then’

because I always tunnel marshal at one point of another so im just going to weigh the scales differently - and Ive had alot of mindmelds with him(even if yes he can fake them) and I found him making alot of sense when dealing with Jane’s case



its not that a hard SR the slot its just the magic of PoE

Ami has done nothing on topic but SR Nappy in a reply to nappy SRing their slot

Arete has been caught up on Nappy, whom I think is town, and its been a rather narrow view as alot of what Arete has done revolves around nappy

not V

(These reads are from memory and reading parts of ISOs to in hopes to clarify/justify the reads I had from d1 or to make more solid reads on a few)

(I also intended to make this is first post of the day but it wasnt done)

It’s compulsory.