The first name I’d say is Arete (especially since they watched me do this in JK9), but I thought they were pretty blatantly PR-reading our slot yesterday.

I haven’t really thought this equation through entirely yet since I’m playing a fairly low effort game this time around.

why does this scream ‘I’ve hidden a PR soft in here’
I don’t think him telling JoaT to go onto Orange is enough to redirect the kill to him

So ModeShifter posted that at his own will

its exactly why I thought he was a joat, especially the line on be your heroes

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Banned Banners Number thing
KyoDaz Arete/Ami, Marshal/Kat 2/4
Arete/Ami KyoDaz, Derps/Gorta 2/4


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I don’t think Centuries is bold enough to soft PR d1 as PR
But ModeShifter definitely is
I’m checking Centuries after ModeShifter

Oh for fuck sake don’t tell me these mirror his abilities

insert slank cover for the rest of in game day

Okay, maybe this is enough

He’s mentioned JoaT twice

wait a fucking second

I am so supremely confident in my abilities, and so thunderously calm + relaxed, that I will make a single irrelevant post at SOD then peace out for hours on end. I won’t do anything villagery, I won’t make any reads, I’ll make 49 shitposts over the next 40 hours, then once EOD rolls around I’ll make an unspecified number of additional shitposts. No cogent thought will escape these handsome lips. I will be illogical, haphazard, superfluous, inessential, pointless, redundant, uncalled for, unwarranted, unjustified, and gratuitous. The effen theorem will catch me with my pants betwixt my ankles. I’ll vote off-wagon, talk about random nonsense, and make inappropriate japes concerning my relation to wolfchat. I am preemptively declaring any responses to this post “fair enough”. I’ll complain about a lack of WIM, the cause of which is nebuluous, obscure, and entirely insufficient. I will fabricate excuses and pretend I am busy to avoid posting in this thread, when in fact I will be watching cartoons and eating cheeto puffs in my underwear. More specifically, black boxer-briefs. You can’t stop me. You can’t mislynch me. You’re powerless. I laugh in your face. I’m a villager, therefore I can do whatever the fuck I want. Go cry in wolfchat, you big baby. While you’re poring over the thread, searching for any clue at all to help you in the seer hunt, know that I am still watching those cartoons and eating those cheeto puffs, nary a care in the world. My armpits are bone dry. I’m a villager, what are you going to do about it? Nothing; you will do nothing about it, because that’s all you can do. Ligma. What’s ligma? Ligma balls.

While you’re poring over the thread, searching for any clue at all to help you in the seer hunt, know that I am still watching those cartoons and eating those cheeto puffs, nary a care in the world.

kyo says he thinks the optimal strat for PR is to not give out reads so the wolves can’t figure them out

i am PISSING myself

this is fucking art

PR reads, obviously
Are you a muppet

Don’t spew yourself as PR
It’s not hard

You have too much faith in the Forum of Lies™

I don’t think you can legit not see the village motivation in trying to draw the nightkill especially when both heads of the hydra have games where they specifically did exactly this and were successful.

I’d also ask why you are PR hunting the dead and flipped PR but at this point I don’t think saying anything to you will get a reasonable response

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Because if they didn’t spew themselves as PR then that heavily implicates you because you did put out cover
Or if they did spew themselves who it was directed to / who would notice it
But clearly that’s not the case he’s just spewed himself in three posts not directed towards anyone

How much is it to ask for that villagers don’t kill themselves by doing a move -----------EV for every alignment except one specific possibility and another one spews themselves as PR
This play has just been outright ridiculous

You need to read the marble hydra chat for my/Derps/Marshal if you think that

I do and that’s why I think Arete should flip today

I can’t speak for Derps, but I am pushing you for having a piss poor case on someone who was acting like their town selves. You have even outright slandered Kyo’s slot here by casting shade on the slot 5 minutes before the EoD

Kyo wasn’t even pushing Jane at the time, instead Kyo was pushing you saying that if you flip scum then Jane is likely town . Kyo did say that Jane had a chance at being wolf if you flipped scum because Jane refused to vote you

@DatBird @Amelia @TheBlueElixir @sulit @orangeandblack5 I won’t change Marshal’s/Katze’s mind, so it’s worthless to ping them. Read my case (and the posts slightly after because I did mess some elements up) and look over this conversation before you vote

the correct order, got one post out of line

y’all really like to argue

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Are you looking for another one

I am trying to win y’alls vote over and presenting my case against the Arete/Ami slot