Like they both are from scum games, but like ur getting two whole separate and conflicting vibes.

weren’t u scumreading them for it WHAT?


Yes, but you can be scum and still believe in a case, especially in a game with a NK. I play mobile ww all the time and even as a cultist I can believe in a case and make a convincing argument as to why a wolf should die. When you don’t believe your own case it usually ends up piss poor and you make poor excuses and that kind of stuff is much more common when you have TMI.

The Arete in 61.5 believed in the NK Katze case, while the FoL 28 Arete didn’t believe that Amelia nor Katze was evil. It’s weird, but there are different vibes

No I literally said I checked ModeShifter + Centuries to see if it was plausible Marshal/katze’s cover failed because they spewed themself and therefore them not being killed was NAI
And they did spew themselves

So u think Arete beleives in their case here? and another game? So why is believing in your case Scum AI

because they literally had tmi

what is this


We’re literally just arguing about whether or not it’s optimal to cover for PR or rely on them not spewing themselves
Actually, I literally just complained about ModeShifter spewing himself while I gave that read


I said this light years ago
Even though that’s not a measurement of time

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We were arguing cause u said covering for pr is dumb and scum indicative and then we showed you di the same thing as both allignments

You are getting my point wrong. I am not saying it’s scum AI, but I am saying that when you do believe in a case there is something genuine about it and it’s less likely to be from scum trying to frame a villager. I don’t think Arete believes in their case on nappy.

Oh no the argument was that I said Marshal covering for PR is scum indicative because Town has less motivation to claim PR than scum
But clearly the consensous here is that is wrong which it isn’t (???)
So it’s not scum AI if Marshal actually believes that’s optimal
(Which it isn’t)
Then Arete tried to say that I’m scum for that read because I actually believe the opposite, and tried to prove I don’t believe that
Which is wrong

Then why are we arguing about this

you’ve still been caught lying IMO but this is a dumb argument and i’m slightly ashamed at all the posts i’ve been using on this

i’ll deal with wtf you are doing later but right now I want to deal with the wtf that is “Arete believed their case on kat, a case which they had TMI on, and made a case that was different than that, so arete is scum”


logic has gone out the door

My entire non-extended PoE is spouting utter nonsense

TBE’s stuff is slightly less utter of nonsense but it is still nonsense IMO

now lets get to the meat and potatos, other than it feels like another game. Why do u feel that case isnt beleived in when arete wrote it

So basically, summary

  • I believed Marshal covering for PR was scum indicative because scum has more motivation to claim PR (to cc JoaT later) than cover them as Town (to mislead the NK)

  • Arete tried to counter this point by saying I don’t believe this because I claimed PR cover before, which is wrong because my main intent in both of those was to for the first game resolve my slot N1 and the second one was to soft vigilante

  • I countered that point as I believe it with a scum game

  • Which then led “lol it’s a scum game hahahaha you must lie about everything” (???)

  • I then countered that point by showing I don’t lie about game theory in my scum games because it’s stupid and displaying why I don’t and now the argument has ended

In the end Marshal covering for PR is NAI because apparently this site believes that PR cover is optimal when I feel like we should be able to rely on people not spewing themselves as PR with 3/25 of their posts spewing PR

yes its obvious they shouldnt spew themselves no one is fighting u on that. PR cover is not spewing urself pr. Saying u used an ability the day after litterally lets people know ur complete logs if u do reveal or die. Thats what PR cover is

i’m tempted to plot dat in towncore

because he has very consistently been making okay posts and I don’t know if scum dat can do that

I also struggle to see how two of TBE/Derpsgorta/Kyo are town

But he expressed a desire to change his meta and so I’m not comfortable locking it in


This was D1 and there is a specific name for this method.
I remember using it in a Dreamer setup. This is called cop cover. And this is when you cover for PR.
Not random spew.


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I dont recall saying that tbh, I recall saying try to break my terrible meta constantly.