Fuck off nerd

the reasoning for these are solid, even if I disagree


is also



you were supposed to be scum

how could you


Won’t be around for EOD btw

Arete is good enough to make a readslist like that as scum lol

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Disclaimer here that Me/Marshal are pretty low on posts and I’ve told him to slow down. I will also be doing such, and will try to reply to multiple messages at once until the post limit is lifted.

It’s not a theory I feel incredibly strongly on, but in terms of “people who aren’t Marshal/kat who PR hunted NWO over Marshal/kat” I feel like it’s not an unrealistic world – gorta does not trust a katze post. In a world where wolf!Derpsgorta and wolf!2ndwolf discuss who to kill in a PR hunt, and I could see them vetoing Marshal/kat over their other choices.

Granted, knowledge that “katze does the FPS thing” is… not uncommon knowledge. Same applies to Marshal. Hence why I’m not strongly pushing this read.

With regards to Derps – his EoD1 was awful (and in hindsight is even worse) and I… don’t think he’s improved much. Marshal agreed with me and said (paraphrased) *I don't think his posting is better in terms of his alignment"

In what world does this come from a villager?

skipping some posts because this goes on for a bit and the point is clear

Additionally, basically all he’s done today is try to push a yeet on Arete, and his view of the game seems pretty narrow beyond that.

Of Derps’ ~50 posts on D2:

D2 Posts from Derps that are in reply to Arete/Ami, or directly mention them

It’s like… actually insane.

He barely talks about anyone else.

Plus, there’s also this post.

[quote=“SirDerpsAlot, post:1634, topic:82543, full:true”]

this post is pure agenda

Marshal pushes on jane for “a bad push” Im going to look into the push now because it reminds me of the small cop game I think Eevee hosted where marshal got me myslycnhed d1 for correctly scumreading him, but not being able to push or defend my reads well.

Which I find:

  1. incredibly weird
  2. incredibly ironic, given a large part of his “scumread” on Arete is for doing this exact thing!

…this was longer than I wanted it to be.

[quote=“katze, post:1846, topic:82543”]

[quote=“SirDerpsAlot, post:1634, topic:82543, full:true”]

this post is pure agenda

Marshal pushes on jane for “a bad push” Im going to look into the push now because it reminds me of the small cop game I think Eevee hosted where marshal got me myslycnhed d1 for correctly scumreading him, but not being able to push or defend my reads well.

This is normal


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it makes sense and lines up with what theyve been saying

and no, im not going to do an analysis on my every thought, will do it probably in the night when I eval again

kat did you think it was 1 hour before EoD?

is that because I said it was?

lol ur dummy

oh yeah

post cap lifted

Anyways I’m working soon so ayayay

Execute arete nerds

may or may not be here for EoD


but i am here now

You’ve already bullied me in hydra chat, you don’t need to bully me here :frowning:


[quote=“SirDerpsAlot, post:1847, topic:82543, full:true”]

[quote=“katze, post:1846, topic:82543”]

I mean generally, I read ISOs and come to these conclusions before I start tunneling people – but I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t changed my mind while doing a push.

I mainly quoted that to point out the irony in it, given you hated when Arete did the exact same thing.

Also because quote wall.

Katze what’s your fav food

I’m not really in the mood to play along with this.

Start caring at EoD.


…what’s the votecount right now?


I was p confident in V!Nappy

Kyo’s quicklynch thing was really dumb though

3 on kyo

everyone else is at 1 at most