I thought he was pretty invested in Insurgency and Anime from top of my mind, so I dont really agree with you point


What did you and Amelia talk about overnight in hydra chat?

@SirDerpsAlot @an_gorta_pratai

same question but for the two of you

I sent her my reads, we made a funny team name, and not much else tbh


its not as nice as dazza tbh

i await a better name

oh ya she also sent something on you and jane for reads, let me dig em up

It was team activity tells lol. We both are scumread for that so we though it be funny to name us that


Yeah she said she thought both were scum but didnt go into detail

Well of course Jane flipped, but I will try and communicate more with her after dinner and get some more eplanations

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Jane was flipped VT at that point

Jane is the scummiest flipped VT

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I have arrived now

Said reads were made before the flip and before I actually replaced in

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oh so can you go into more about ur read then? Since ur here, what made u think arete was scum pre joining the game

At that point I agreed with kyo somewhat. It wasn’t a very strong SR compared to me absolutely thinking Jane would flip wolf.

Dat I have a question

Why are you asking Amelia about her read about me/the flipped VT now rather than when she told you about them

Cause shes around. She wasnt around much when she told me about em, I think I did ask but never got the answer

Now that that turbo is over:

Overnight, I thought Derps’ EoD was pretty awful, not only did they attempt to CFD off of a fake read (onto someone I townread no less) but they also just… didn’t give a shit about anything. The wagons at that point were Jane, Arete/Ami, and Dat/Waz – which is why we kind of agreed that W!Derps spews the latter two as town.

My only qualm in Derps’ favor is that I do remember liking some of gortas posting. I touched on this in post #717, but they were insistent in a fairly bad case, to the point where I think they actually believed in their (bad) case. At that point I kinda just slapped a light TL on them. I think Derps’ posting at EoD was more of a bad look than gortas case on Arete was a good look, if that makes sense.

Marshal was thinking that W!Derps makes most sense with W!TBE as well – but I didn’t have a strong opinion on that. He was saying that TBE showed a similar lack of care with regards to EoD wagons.

when Jane didnt self prez and I was reading up it was a lot like SFoL 61.5 but I wasnt there so w/e

you guys wanna see me write something itll be cool

sure my dude go for it

…I should re-read EoD

Also, since @Amelia is here – Sorry Marshal, the vote is my control now.

/vote Amelia