[FM] Ghost Town 2 (Nobody Wins [except Town I guess])

Not everyone is hardclaiming Citizen either, mind you FK.

Celeste would be voting max/marl if she was telling the truth.

Marl would also show more information as he’s had the most interactions.

Cool. I see no CC’s for power roles as they would of done it yesterday to catch a scum.

Bring the information card? Look at the graveyard. We need to hang a scum today. Why aren’t you voting whammerist?

/vote Whammerist

Let me re-ISO him to see what I think.

Unless someone counters pokes claim, we have to trust him

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I’ll see you with your list of citizens when you get back.

Cute Fk, cute.

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Feel free to provide me with your list of citizens too.

Squid and Celeste and me.

Let me remind you Maxi and Marl both claimed that they were occupied last night. I’m absolutely sure one of them is a a lying scum, but I can also see Whamm as scum. I’m waiting for him to respond before I can make my decision on voting him or not to avoid quickhammering

Let’s make a vote, but simultaneously already apologise if it goes badly.

Let’s frame FK.

Although this kind of nulls that again to be fair.


Opposite scum teams with Marl wouldn’t surprise me.

Contradiction spotted. First it means nothing that Htm was killed after Fire said something about it and now it does?

Attemps a CFD away from Luxy and then flipflops back after it gains no traction?

Naked vote on Captain with no prior mention of Captain whatsoever in his posts.

Also I’m lazy to go back and requote some things, but I also noticed that he first went hard for Marl and then they’re all buddy buddy again at the end. Weird to ISO, but the blatant contradiction in his nightkill analysis convinces me. He also cast no votes until EoD, where he tried to steer the lynch in the direction I wanted I feel. I also see quite little town motivation. /vote Whammerist


Did I hammer that?

Oh cool I caught you in my trap. The fact is every time I mentioned why don’t you vote so and so…you would be even more sus. Soon you needed to vote with whammerist but if you did it out of nowhere it would look even more sus.
If you were Town you would of prob stood your ground.

No I don’t think you hammered it.

It’s good to pressure him into actually reading the thread though, as I don’t get that vibe now, so they actually use their actions and votes in the right way.

Also I wouldn’t question poke.