[FM] Ghost Town 2 (Nobody Wins [except Town I guess])

This is true

Results of the reaction test
Marl: Attempted to look for information about the witched subject
Maxi: Outright denied the existence of the witch immediately


btw i suspect sam as nk/ne now

i literally searched the entire thread for “witched” and it was confirmed that THERE WAS NO WITCH

Fucking prove that I’m scummier, I fucking dare you

I know you’re purposefully ignoring me here, but you clearly need my vote, so unless you want to continue to throw harder, answer me.


Insert that gif I always post of unamused gintoki picking his nose

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Why everyone is accused to be scum here ? I can’t sheep at that point.I need to find real scum here.

Ignoring the people that accuse you is such a fucking shame, Maxi


Welcome to forum mafia.


Or attempt to defend you. ugh.

@Kirefitten why have you not cast a vote?

But i’m literally not

and you’re spouting incoherent shitty logic in vc

as the witch himself i’m not amused with this denial of my existence bullshit


Because it’s majority but I want to vote max.

Why haven’t you responded to Solic? Hmmmmmm

I see

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Maybe we can talk through you, because we’re totally mature like that.

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I gave him advanced forum technology to block users

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