[FM] Ghost Town 2 (Nobody Wins [except Town I guess])

I forgot what I was going to say like 30 times

htm-Slight Town-If htm was scum he wouldn’t have been like what he was doing. If anything I would think he’s a jester but there is no jester. Like

I don’t think he would do that as scum as that’s basically trying to vote someone off of memes which is going to be seen as scummy to most people.


The fact that she brought up “He could of done this with any other player” Makes me think they are townie IMO. She didn’t bring up “well people who suggest policy lynching are usually scum” which I would see as scummy she instead wondered why me out of everyone which even if Maximus does flip scum at any time I can’t see squid being their buddy as it made it feel like that squid was curious why she was singled out if that makes sense.

MaximusPrime-Scumlean-Wanted to policy lynch someone inactive when it was just the start of the day and we could of pressured a lot of other people but he wanted to policy lynch and then went quiet. I’m waiting for them to say more atm.
Captain-Town Lean-I still don’t see him doing a reaction test as scum because I don’t think he’s that type of player.
Sam17z-Townie-He’s basically pissing everyone off by pinging everyone let’s be honest The fact that he was so bold to try to guess the scum team D1 and the fact that he basically pinged everyone in every single post makes me think he isn’t scum. I just don’t see him being that bold as scum tbh.
Whammerist-Town Lean-TBH if whammerist was scum he would of prob answered why squid was scummy instead of explaining He wants to see what happens. It would make more sense for scum to out why they think someone is scum because if they caught that they seem to actually be scum hunting but he waited a bit before explaining it.

You get nothing else everyone else is null/memers

So I wanted to do a proxy Slayer’s Gambit on Memesky to see if scum would fall for the bait and go for the low-hanging fruit, but then I realized that within the small d1 timeframe that we have along with the d1 EoD lynch essentially meant that my suggestion was not exactly that bad considering that Memesky is, well, Memesky, so yeah.

Alignment-wise, I’d say Poke is likely town with PKR leaning scum depending on the seriousness of his first post. D1 CCing is dumb, but considering Poke is new then I detect more of a sense of wanting to help town rather than intentionally sabotaging us with bad plans. PKR’s comment on ISO diving pinged me as odd and more as an attempt to look townie rather than actually help us as ISO’ing this early is just fruitless.

Sam17z’s comments are just odd, I’m not exactly sure if he’s intentionally doing this as trying to reaction test people or just trying to make himself look townie, so I’ll have to wait until the game progresses more to make a better judgement on him.

However, Maximus’ comments on PLing Squid for inactivity despite that she’s actually decently active, helpful, and readable really struck me as odd here. Especially when we have Memesky as a candidate for a PL here. Right now my vote is staying on him.

/vote Maximus


To be honest, I have no idea why Maximus didn’t want to PL Meme and he decided to choose Squid instead. If Maximus flips scum then there’s a real possibility of Meme also being part of the scumteam via association reads here.

She’s been pretty inactive from most games?

Also squid, I never said that I wanted to fucking lynch you while you were asleep, that’s actually really scummy. If you would stop twisting my words, I said I wanted to PL you for being generally inactive, although I guess I am not one to talk atm

Why not PL Memesky?

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A policy lynch is a form of lynching, Maxi. It’s even in the name

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I don’t know how your brain works, If you have one, but you can’t say that cause you didn’t either. Also, I just didn’t want to? Is that such a big deal? We never lynch him d1 anyway.

Lynching =/= fucking quick hammering you while you’re asleep

this looks like a excuse as to why you didn’t want to vote meme.

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Please tell us why you wanted to PL me specifically


It’s a legitimate reason? I just didn’t want to. If i was scum and meme was my teammate(or you or htm for the matter), I’d bus you day one for sure.

Objection. In noughts and crosses you didn’t buss me. That statement is false.

Have you not read ANYTHING i have posted?

Your general inactiveness in the past made me want to PL you

I wish you guys would stop twisting my words.

I had no chance of winning if I did, and that was a pretty quick game. In an actual game with other teammates, I would.

Pretty sure my chances of winning go down to like 5% if there was only 1 maf alive

Additionally, i was busy at the time so I couldn’t really do much and had to rely on you

Y tho?

There are other people that haven’t been super active as well. Why not PL them?

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Aside from the fact that you’ve been getting games rerolled and always getting mislynched because you always openwolf as town, please explain to me why you are not a good PL target if we’d have nobody to lynch by the EoD?

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Name them and why they would be better PL targets than you?

I just think that you simply would be the most harmful to town if you’re scum

Or even Memesky for the reasons I said above.

I see