[FM] Ghost Town 2 (Nobody Wins [except Town I guess])

/vote FK

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Okay, things are getting interesting from here

literally the reason i openly claimed is because i knew what i did and my results were fishy
and i knew i’d be in this exact spot
if i hadn’t claimed openly i’d be dead already
well, not already since it’s not majority it’s plurality
but you know what i mean

Wham, my boy, you have an absolutely good point! This is what I’m talking about! Wham is a good boi and I’m not changing my mind

except he doesn’t
i had to claim there
there was no way around it

also the “I’m not changing my mind” ideology is bad for town, discuss.

or just
“I did indeed visit HTM”
without disclosing your role
as your claim adds no validity really to anything and just outs you if it’s accurate

NO ONE would have accepted just that Wham
It would have looked like i was delaying my claim to buy time to make it more realistic

I see this as a valid point, would htm really go and do nothing Night 1?

in your perfect world it might have worked
but that isn’t realistic


Wow, I found a really good post from the Marl boi! Have a cookie :smiley:

You know what? I’m starting to see Marl as a little bit more of a Townie from the posts that I’ve been reading so far. Just a tiny bit though



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Alright, bois, I read through everything that I missed and I realize that I’m an absolute dolt. For me, I see FK as scum due to his deflections and random votes including the last minute vote on PKR which got him killed
/vote FK

@Marluxion just a question explain your Htm results. How could that possibly happen?

Why would Htm visit no one on purpose?

Also you guys are more salty than the Dead Sea


(Read at least the full first paragraph then you will understand why I say this)


@Marluxion you are a mod. Have some respect for your job or volunteer thing. You can’t just go around insulting wham and squid because YOU are drinking the Dead Sea and digesting all that salt. At the end of the day you represent I42 so don’t make them look bad


Boslof is rolling in his grave
To shame Marl!