[FM] Ghost Town 2 (Nobody Wins [except Town I guess])

Disappointed sighing intensifies

Make my life easy and iso firekitten to show why you are voting him. (Basically so I don’t have to do it)

Quote directly what insults you’re referring to

I have called squid “Bad at forum mafia”
that’s about it

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I mean you also called us both blind and illiterate
I’m not mad, you weren’t bad and I’ve done way worse but it wasn’t JUST about mafia

You do have a tendency to go for the jugular of people’s ability to see talk and read lel

i mean
if you think this is bad
you might just be the most innocent boi i’ve ever met sam

actual sam, not wham

wham change your name irl to make this less confusing

are you blind ecks dee

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Damn it marl

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Funny that my actual eye sight without my glasses is the worst

Are Sam and Wham different people
Am I required to like, don a sonic suit and switch personas before I play an FM

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you spelled fursona wrong


vote firekitten while you’re here

I already did :confused:

i dont want to have fought tooth and nail to get townread just to have people forget their votes are on me at eod

but I’m still confused at what you mean marl lel

i was responding to sam17z
not you
is what i meant