[FM] Ghost Town 2 (Nobody Wins [except Town I guess])


Damn it Marl


Am I allowed to change my forum name to TheBetterSam

Or just be me and call SamZ SamZ or just be Alfa and call me Sammy


Only Alfa can call him that!



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Well, well, well, Whamm, looks like you have your true title after all giggles


Guys, this is so obviously scum Marl. He tried to the same emotional manipulation thing on me during the chess match. He’s flailing. Don’t let it get to you Squid. If that was a planned distancing, I will be very proud, but Squid and Marl seems obvious TvS now.

Also all these abbreviations are killing me. It took me like 500 posts before I realized RT was random town.

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i dont know why i didn’t do this earlier
but i can prove myself spy tonight

town protection go on sarun
he visits someone and i tell you who he visited before he announces it

it doesn’t have to be sarun either
i can do this with whoever we want

i’m under suspicion of KILLING HTM
meaning if i can prove i can see visits, i didn’t kill htm
plain and simple

Visit me boi since Im dead tonight anyways :wink:

Which also means we need that LO :wink:

but i’m not a lo i only see who YOU visit.

Exactly :wink:

Do it with me

I’m practically proven and we’re sorta in conflict.

I’m pretty sure I answered it but I can say it again.

Because everyone that was getting voted felt Town so I had to try to get someone else voted, which worked because instead of a PR a citizen died.

Also aren’t there 4 investigative claims and something about all the RT claim spots are filled.

Max Sarun Marl Celeste is lying so we should be voting one of them.

Margaret admitted they were lying

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