[FM] Ghost Town 2 (Nobody Wins [except Town I guess])

stop talking before you confirm me as town


I wanna be modkilled because of my own mistake not yours

no allignments have been spewed


Please put your vote back onto Marl otherwise it’d be too easy for Mafia to QH FK.

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There is no reason why anyone doesn’t vote one of the TI claims today.

you know this
you’ve played with her enough

@Margaret please reapply on fk
i can use maximus to prove myself even if he’s mafia
If he lies tommorow its an easy thunderdome

@Captain please vote the cat as well
I need you to trust me FOR ONE NIGHT

@MaximusPrime you as well, you haven’t moved your vote around at all

No. There is no space. If Celeste is lying she’s pretty much gamethrowing.

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she does it
we aren’t losing the game to her throwing
we win with her
embrace the celeste play

You are now just relying on people believing Celeste is lying which isn’t going to work.

Give up.

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sudden appearing
I’m not even in this game, so stop pinging me, thanks. :roll_eyes:
dissappears in basement

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Which she isn’t. She’d have no reason to defend Poke this hard had she’d been a Cit.

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At the end of the day it’s a ghost town. So…

Oh ok

Well, I am unsure whether to vote you or margaret or possibly even Sarun, as I do not know whether margaret is faking TI or not.

@Marluxion if you think firekitten is scum iso him and show us all he is scum

@Kirefitten if you think Marluxion is scum iso him and show us all he is scum.

what if we just agree to angrly glare at sam instead

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Firekitten + Solic vs, Marl

/vote Marlboi