[FM] Ghost Town 2 (Nobody Wins [except Town I guess])

I don’t particularly care if hes neut or not atm

Greatest threat atm is the Mafia if arso has ignited already

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And my class is meant to find specifically the Mafia

I still think that Marl was retrained to be an observ last night

If there was a Serial Killer, then you would be able to find them too, but that’s not relevant now

Why aren’t you voting Marl then?

Cuz, I’m not 100% sure hes Mafia duh

Suspicion and assuredness are two different things

Marl or Max is mafia if you are Sheriff.

Cuz I also think that Maximus is the Retrainer that will use his results since Obs is like 2 Spies

Then why aren’t you voting Maximus?

Since, you can see who visits them which you can then claim to have seen or claim “super-scanner” if no one visited them while the other claims the spy portion

Cuz i have little to no proof to support this claim and in the scenario that one of them is actually a spy I dont wanna mislynch that

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Suspicion of what happened last night doesn’t guarentee that its right

For all we know, it couldve legitimately been a Consort that we don’t know about (which begs the question why they didn’t occupy n1)

If you are actually a Sheriff there is literally a 50/50 chance of scum in them. Why aren’t you taking it?

What scum do you rate at a higher chance than the 50/50? Even though Marl even got a red check on him, so in reality it is way higher.

Have you noticed that no one has really been enforcing the notion of a red check?

Even the person who talked about it originally barely states a thing about it

It’s because Marl is bulldozing through it with 600 post. Can you not dodge the question and answer me?

Heres the problem with your mentality Solic

If we mislynch, I’m the only investigator left and it becomes really a fucking reading game