[FM] Ghost Town 2 (Nobody Wins [except Town I guess])

No, i’d still get my results in addition to the hypnotist

i read through every possibility
I think for sure it’s stalker

I’m pretty sure that’s incorrect?

hey @orangeandblack5 would an investigative still receive their night results if they were occupied?

it’s too much of a coincedence that there was no occ n1, then htm died
then there was an occ

hypnotist doesn’t occupy

Wait really?

*If they thought they were occupied by hypnotist


It even says on the class card that the effect doesn’t happen


NVM then I’m just stupid lol

It’s too much of a coincedence for it to be anything except Stalker imo

even a cit would be told if they were roleblocked

wait what the fuck

You’re actually full of shit

/vote MaximusPrime

You’re going to try to tell me the stalker and mafia somehow coordinated their occupations? BULLSHIT

Before you propose there are two mafia occupiers
We have exactly one leader and one random mafia or supp/tact

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I wrote down a list of the claims so far and I realize that there’s no room for three investigatives if Celeste is not lying which I highly think is the case. This has lead to a theory of mine. There is a Consort who occupied the true investigative and the other claimer is flat out lying. (There’s also a possibility that a Stalker is involved but I don’t really see that rn)

There is no consort

It’s exactly one stalker