[FM] Ghost Town 2 (Nobody Wins [except Town I guess])

Majority isn’t a thing :thinking:

Wait really?


why do i have to believe maxi now
i wanted to fight to the death with maxi
spy vs spy


@Kirefitten @Solic @Twil1ight @Margaret @Captain @Sam17z @Whammerist @GamerPoke
Ask Orange in your DMs if the hypnotist can make an investigative not have their results at night, it’s really fucking urgent!

Orange finally responded?

you’re wrong about hypnotist

There’s probably exactly 1 mafia leader 1 consort + a stalker

It could still be hypnotist tho, not necessarily consort

Stop pinging twilight
i’m her slot

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I am pretty sure hypnotist just says they were roleblocked and also gives results.

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/day vig Squid for no awareness



that’s not what orange said in my classcard

Oh… sorry Twi, somebody didn’t change the player list

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orange told you incorrectly then

Id like to point out that when you are occd, you arent notified so some people wont know if they are occd which means consort could have occd N1


No I’m pretty sure he didn’t

Max said that Hypnotist makes the player not have their results if they’re an invest

Why the fuck does it have to be a hypnotist

Yes I did, cause that’s what orange said

instead of a normal consort