[FM] Ghost Town 2 (Nobody Wins [except Town I guess])

hi wagon captain

Whamm boi, thank goodness you’re here, defend yourself boi

no just vote captain instead

the marl train hit a scum yesterday
can’t stop me now


Looking at the post count, I dislike how Twi(who isn’t even in the game) has the same amount of posts as PKR

I’m not going to move my vote from squid tho cause she’s still probably my top scumread atm

also I still believe i’m right

your tinfoil is almost as bad as celeste’s js

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11/10 title

also hope ur feeling better

when is eod

you dont have to leave it on captain until eod just vote him for now

24 hours ish?

sigh I see Whamm as more scummy, but sure, I’ll put pressure on Captain
/vote Captain

oh so like never
/vote Captain

wham saved me so he gets a pass




I could still be right

I’m pinging him again rn

is the name “Ghost town” a reference to the fact that the mods abandon us in this godless place



He hasn’t answered my initial question which was 40 minutes ago, I’m pretty sure he would have answered some of us by now if he’s responding to you

stop angleshooting

So that’s what angleshooting feels like? Huh… never done it before

you’re trying to abuse mod activity to shadethrow on maxi,

the literal definition of angleshooting

In some games, it’s against the rules, but it’s not against the rules in this game :^)