[FM] Ghost Town 2 (Nobody Wins [except Town I guess])

Also whammerist is NE in my eyes. The sarcastic post about him being witch was suppose to let the evils know he was Ne even if he isn’t witch

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idk i just thought that he seemed neutral

also occ’d claim to not seem like NE or NK?

I just read back and i don’t think he’s ne and think he’s nk now lol

so yeah nvm that i’m stupid

yeah nvm i was just stupid and forgot that

That’s a decent possibilty. He also tried to highlight people context reading it.

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do you understand how anything works at all

And instead of blaming me, why don’t you defend yourself? Huh?

Then vote Marl.

I have, multiple times, yet you refuse to acknowledge me and just spam “Lol max scum” in here and shout that in VC which is FUCKING ANNOYING

I can’t hear a word and you just shout like crazy


also cause you continually use bad logic to try and get me lynched lol

I did defend myself, so you’re lying lol

ez scum caught, lynch squid tomorrow

after you guys fucking mislynch me

I don’t believe max would be that dumb to think the guy who he tracked N1 would be a NE if he was town. I think max is smarter than that as Town.

Tell me how my logic is absolute trash cause that’s all you’ve been spamming
“Squid’s logic is trash” “Squid’s stupid” EXPLAIN WHY INSTEAD OF SPAMMING IT

if we’re angleshooting with voicechat at this point
can someone in vc confirm i knew for a fact there was no witch in this game and that was a joke
because if, of all things, that gets me killed i’m going to be pissed lmao

Really. Were we not in the same other game?

Wtf? You guys were talking about game roles in VC

I believe two modkills might be in order

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I already have lol

you just continue to ignore my posts that you don’t like

You tried to quickhammer me and just deny it

and then you said that “2 roleblocks are impossible” when it’s clearly not

and then you believed that witch shit and tried to use that toe get more people to vote me lmfao

We weren’t talking about roles, we’re just talking about who’s scum or not

I mean do you think he would be that dumb as Town. I don’t.

That’s modkillable.

Still talking outside of thread