[FM] Ghost Town 2 (Nobody Wins [except Town I guess])

With my already low self-esteem, it doesn’t really help things

Because I want you guys to trust me, im going to claim veteran

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So Ill just tell you guys I cant kill anyone directly

We already trusted you, Poke. You were the only person to claim TK, but hey, glad to see that you’re continuing to help

Moderator Report

It has come to my attention that (at least) two players, @Whammerist and @PoisonedSquid, were discussing at least the game setup outside of the thread.

I do not believe this was an intentional breach of the rules, as both players know better and if they were cheating wouldn’t openly admit to talking in-thread.

Due to this, and because game integrity was not compromised, there will be no modkills.

However, this is an unacceptable behavior going forward. I expect the both of you to be able to keep any and all conversation about the game in the game. The fact that it was brought up here at all shows that your conversations do have an influence on your outlook on the game, and this is not to be continued.

Consider this a strong slap on the wrist. If I had any reason whatsoever to be cross with either of you beforehand, I would be forcibly subbing you out right now.

Nobody is perfect, and I too have screwed up parts of this game here and there. But I expect you both to know better than to talk about an ongoing game outside of it anywhere and for any reason. Do not do it again, in anybody’s game. Thank you.


How many votes does max have?


will keep in mind, my b orange
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Thank you, Orange. I promise not to make the same mistake again

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yeah I mean like

I know you guys aren’t cheaters or idiots

But that was kinda dumb lol


/Vote Maxi Between Marl and Maxi, I have more townlean on marl

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@orangeandblack5 whats the vote count?

Why you claimed vet tho ? They could have assumed you are vig and they could have attacked you.

I wanted people to trust me

One more vote on Maxi will be 6 votes

Maybe that’s what he wants you to think? :eyes:

Possible thing too,true

Maybe, maybeeee

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May I ask you why you think I’m scum over any of the other TI claims, please?

So best plan would be for the TI’s to check the civilian claims

I’ve tried to help town as much as possible, and outed with my checks

I don’t see how my checks are suspicious

and squid, I don’t wanna hear your ranting