[FM] Ghost Town 2 (Nobody Wins [except Town I guess])

can you compare how i delivered my results to how maxi did

I have an idea… Marl and Maxi need to have an ISO off. They ISO each other while the rest of us judge who has the worse explanation. That way, it would be fair and maybe help us indicate who the true scum in the pair is

maxi spent the entire start of day talking about how interesting his results were
they aren’t interesting at all

A) Maxi is Confirmed spy/observatory

B) Marl isn’t confirmed anything. Suspected of being NK some chance. And could easily be any of the scum

i am of a firm belief that he saw someone visit me, thought i got bombed or doused, and was planning to out the nk

yes but if i was occupied by a stalker I CAN prove myself tonight
Stalker can only roleblock once

I like A over B, although you are more “Town motivated” which could easily = manipulation to Sam17z

how am i trying to manipulate you
i’ve been calling you scummy since d1

albiet half ironically

If a mislynch happens today, it wouldn’t matter if you can prove yourself or not. Town wouldn’t have majority anymore

Hmmm, if you were occupied by stalker that means Maxi was occupied by consort assuming the rbd claims are correct. Moreso meaning Maxi is spy

Maxi ISNT a mislynch if Margaret is serious
which she appears to be

Nah but you are so skilled you can fake town motivation

No, Sam
If I was occupied by a Stalker, Maxi is an observ who saw the stalker visit me 100%

And nothing prevents you from claiming occupied again as scum. Saying oh consort occupied me again

Seeing someone visit me is 100% an “interesting result”

Getting occupied is NOT AT ALL INTERESTING

Like I said, I would rather not lynch either Sam or Maxi and instead would prefer a lynch from outside the two

if maxi flips town i will vote myself and not move my vote tomorrow

Like how you claimed to follow Maxi and then oh no idc if I get lynched tommorow I will follow my scum read

I can’t trust a word you say M8