[FM] Ghost Town 2 (Nobody Wins [except Town I guess])

I feel like that’s an asinine roundabout interpretation of something that can much more easily be explained by “HTM Pushed on Firekitten so he killed htm.”

@GamerPoke You asked for counterclaims to tp and you voted pkr
that’s all you’ve done this game
explain why we shouldn’t lynch you here

Thing is, it was basically a nearly naked voted from HTM and nobody was hopping on that wagon. It would be fruitless for FK to kill HTM n1.

I disagree
HTM has gotten fk lynched multiple times

you need to consider things like meta kills too

If FK was wagon shifting and saw a htm wagon wasn’t catching couldn’t he have just killed him since he couldn’t see a mislynch?

for example, if pkr were nightkilled - there’s a higher chance orangeandblack5 performed the kill than wolfy

same with me
if i were nightkilled, maximus and celeste are more likely to have performed the kill than most others here

it’s throwing my hat into the ring in that the entire discussion so far has been
“Marl visited HTM”
“yes I did”
“Ok kill me”
if you want my honest opinion I don’t find you scummy - I just want you to provide some sort of counterpush or agenda rather than “I guess I’m dying big fuckin whoops”
there’s nothing smart to say about the HTM nightkill itself other than HTM had like 10 posts and most of them were pushing FK

i mean
i literally have been in the time it took you to post that

also yes my posts are going to be formatted like total garbage rn because I’m close to passing out

HARD disagree
It’s always worth it to attempt to analyze the nightkills

also htm had over 50 posts

but i digress

Drunk posting, gotta love it

Except that his wagon was catching on. IIRC he had around 4 votes on him after Marl, Celeste, and Solic voted on him. The night kill was weird as HTM was a very lynchable player so far.

I want to give reads but I don’t have anything novel to really offer
The only counterinterp I can think of for an HTM nightkill is that someone saw that earlier FK comment and thought they could convert that into a mislynch?
So I guess that’s a possible piece of evidence towards like, Scum!Sarun since he posted it, potentially?

This just feels really really on the nose to me, Sarun was the one to bring it to attention but literally within the same post he also says he doubts FK says that and then kills HTM so I don’t think Sarun is trying to make in into an FK mislynch - someone else could be though

So I guess my point would be, TLDR, someone killed HTM in an attempt to frame both kittens and waste town time

if anyone else is a spy claim now
because there’s a possibility that we’re all spies and people are dying at random

also i think there can only be 2 of each class so it’d be an easy thunderdome

This strikes me as odd. He says he thinks he knows how I feel yet he still says I am a good PL target when Maxi asks. Squid is null/slight town lean for me.

/vote Squid