[FM] Ghost Town 2 (Nobody Wins [except Town I guess])


You outed yourself and I had to pressure Poke as he’s essentially done nothing but a hit-and-run vote.

He’s claiming an RT spot right?

I outted myself? I outted myself due to the fact that people were attempting to kill an essential confirmed town.

exactly, and that’s all he NEEDS to say right now
there’s absolutely no point in making him give out further information


Fucking ISO him. After asking for CCs, how the hell is that a townie’s posting?

We weren’t. He was basically townie to me as he was more worried about being witched when in reality he shouldn’t of been.

Didn’t you say that he was more likely to be a townie trying to be helpful.


The rolecard says it notifies the target though.

That same person also voted him, and said that RT TK should go kill him

The CC portion was fine. Thing is he’s been slanking aside from a hit-and-run vote.

I feel like if we had a more solid claim from Sarun, we could push him in this scenario that I quoted.

I actually think you may have a point with the bussing. We should keep it in mind for later parts of the game

I said the real TK should kill them. After his posts I doubt that he’s town as he’s shown no town motivation whatsoever.

Do you think my reasoning as why he is Town is incorrect? If I was mafia I wouldn’t worry about the witch i would worry about looking townie.




What is my fucking life

Additionally, he could be a NE/NK. A green check != confirmed town.

@GamerPoke what’s the deal who do you think is scum