[FM] Ghost Town 2 (Nobody Wins [except Town I guess])

But the only fucking accusation against me is that i killed htm
if i can prove that i didn’t
this push holds absolutely no water

Except that’s a pretty freaking strong accusation.

i can visit someone else and maxi can track me

they will not end up dead

“I’m only suspected of killing someone”


And waste town resources? Max can also end up roleblocked or swapped or tailored or so many things.

the fact that you’re against letting me MECHANICALLY PROVE I’m not a killing is concerning

I didn’t read last posts.Who are we voting again ?

This would apply in TOL
But i’m one of our power roles
We dont have a full squad of them

Firekitten right now, I’m thinking of cfd’ing onto solic

No, it’s not, because why could we not let everyone mechanically prove themselves then? Because we can’t duh.

Why aren’t we mechanically proving Firekitten?

Because he hasn’t claimed?

Or so you claim.

He hasn’t done ANYTHING besides lurk?

Care to say why fk ? And how you will be proven ? Will Maxi track you ?

No, I’m going to track Maxi and tell him who he visits

to prove i can see people’s visits

@Solic this plan wastes no resources besides my own check