[FM] Ghost Town 2 (Nobody Wins [except Town I guess])

It should be obvious any Mafia member can perform the factional. None of them explicitly have any killing abilities.

Still your results are pretty fraud how do you explain them you me. You are saying Htm didn’t visit anyone. Why would he optionally not visit someone?

Wait why are we voting fk again?

it could be any of the TI claims or RT you know, although it is slightly suspicious of him to visit htm

k. explain pls btw

We already established the fact that any spy/lo claim could be observatore

Well, this is unlikely, but SK could’ve attacked sam target or maf could’ve attacked SK or something. js

I didn’t want to delve this deeply but if i’m dying, it’s to a modkill not a mislynch
in my rolecard, after i got my results
I said to orange
“for fucks sake, htm. quit being inactive”
and orange replied
“you’re telling me”

Marl, if you think that not every Mafia class can perform the factional kill, name the one class that can do said kill

Marl, Celeste, and you claim TI and I’m the RT. The four of us cannot be town altogether.

Pay attention please
she is a CITIZEN. This is FPS.


Yes, I’m saying that it could be any of us and it is unwise to focus on only marl, although it is suspicious of him to have visited htm -_-

Really? But she just hard claimed sheriff?

my god
someone just kill me


I hate having to explain this

We have a check that confirms Marl visited HTM and that he has no results from HTM to confirm it.


A) Decapatate Marl right now and check if he is scum
B) Give Marl a day and check his results
C) Give Marl a day and tell Sarun to check Marl. Mechanically confirming Marl as Not observatory, but could be still gf/NK

I like C here boyos

I’m fine with either B or C
Let me prove myself
mislynching a power role is GAME OVER for town here
esp after htm died already

@Marluxion Answer my question please

/vote Marl I’ll keep this vote on you until you answer my question

I am not a Sheriff. I did not even explicitly claim TI as I only claimed RT.

what question

Read plz
