[FM] Ghost Town 2 (Nobody Wins [except Town I guess])

Sam isn’t cleared
we know almost certainly there’s an arso

also 1/3 chance of gf

Yes which is why I said white check and not town specifically

But, they have a higher chance of being town

Both of the spies should track a citizen claim

We can assume that tonight is when the arso ignites if at least SOME of their targets are still living
If we lynch the arso today, Mafia can heavily influence the vote process
If we lynch Mafia tofay, the arso ignites and we lose 1-2 town or possibly a mafia

Also, Gamer, dont depend on the two spy claims. One of them is fake and likely a mafia but the probability of getting the fake is 50% comparedly to our 65% of lynching a non-town

We also have the very slight possibility that BOTH of them are scum and PKR was actually a RT civilian

But, with the theory of probability, its best to just keep that one on the backburner until we can substanciate sufficient evidence against both of them. Otherwise we aren’t lynching either of them until its better to lynch one of them over a cit

But my question is, how were there 2 kills

Well, doesn’t particularly matter. Possibly arso ignited which would make his lynch still pretty bad

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I’m a citizen.

Its also possible that our Town Killing “shot” a player and is lowkey sad to tell us that cuz that would mean town have 0 chance

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k cool u aren’t claiming to marl here boi, you claimin’ to me

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You are not innocent child tho

But, im the consensus town lean that claims town power role

I did
I got roleblocked

can’t we share the town leader spot instead

We don’t have room for another escort so that means we have a consort rite.

admitting i wasn’t following maxi was the biggest mistake last night

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