[FM] Hell in a Cell D6 Mafia - FACES WIN! SULIT CHAMPION!

Would I have unvoted to let Seth speak if I was a wolf?


Uh, yes.

/vote gorta

Thats hammer please be quiet!


Voted Votee Votes
an_gorta_pratai SirDerpsALot, ModeShifter, Sulit, KyoDaz 4/4
ModeShifter Astand 1/4
Not Voting DybuDabu, , an_gorta_pratai, 2

@an_gorta_pratai has been RKO’ed right out of the arena and been eliminated he was…

Seth Rollins

Face Vanilla

Seth Rollins v. Dean Ambrose [W]
Seth Rollins v. Kevin Owens [L]
Seth Rollins © v. “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt [NC]

Ditched by your comrades, you hit rock bottom and tried to atone for your mistakes with your Shield brothers. Despite being outspoken that match quality has fallen to the wayside, you still stand ready to BURN IT DOWN.
You have no special abilities.

You’re here to take down all the heels who would dare tarnish OMNIPLEX 2020.

The announcer table broke with the laptop on it. We are gonna have to reboot the lights. AGAIN! It will take approximately 24 hours or 2020-05-12T20:12:00Z or until the whole cast alive votes to skip waiting for the lighting guys and do it themselves.


Still cant see anything, but like if we had more people’s help with skipping the night we could get these lights working again.

Gonna start processing actions now, day will start at time listed above

During that extended break, we since installed overhead lights that can’t be broken by slamming into the announcer’s table.
However, in order to appease our apparent light hating overlords, we will now be turning off the lights routinely when one of the wrestlers is taken out BRUTALLY.

Ladies and Gentlemen, folks at home, people all from around the world. Even in these times of troubles, from either virus breakout or inevitable light busting contrivances, we need to remember the people that are closest to us. We are all people in the end, and we at the WWE support the notion that everyone deserves to be treated equally.
That is why we don’t endorse the actions of any heels. They are total loose cannons.
They also told me to turn off the lights whenever anyone gets taken down or else I’ll get sent to the Shadow Realm.

I hope you’ll understand my predicament.

Randy Orton got hit by a car that also destroyed several other portions of the ring, and is currently having difficulties breathing.
ER team will be here in about 3 minutes, but this shouldn’t affect the event.

Kyo was…

Randy Orton

Face 2-shot Vigilante

The Undertaker v. Randy Orton [L]
Randy Orton v. John Cena © [W]
Randy Orton © v. Sheamus [W]
Randy Orton v. Mark Henry © [L]
Randy Orton v. Daniel Brain [W]
John Cena v. Randy Orton [L]
Jeff Hardy v. Randy Orton [W]

Your moniker of “Legend Killer” is well deserved. You’ve disrespected the best both in and out of the ring, defying the notion that people deserve respect because of their history.
Twice during the game during the night, you may pull your finisher (RKO) on a player, killing them.

You’re here to take down all the heels who would dare tarnish OMNIPLEX 2020.

Majority is 3 as there are 5 players left.


It only occured to me a few hours after the flip.

The game where Seth was a wolf which I talked about.
It was also, in fact, a D6 setup, with 3 town PR and 2 mafia PR.

Meaning there is no way Seth doesn’t understand how setup works and he fabricated the townslip.

I still firmly believe both Derps and Dabu have to be villagers in this game.

Can reiterate why if anyone wants.

Im around but uh im getting ready for work so wont be talking much atm

It’s just Mode. This game isn’t hard.

/vote Mode

/vote mode

Easy game is easy lmao


Voted Votee Votes
ModeShifter Astand, SirDerpsALot 2/3
Not Voting Sulit, Modeshifter, DybuDabu 3

Even on level 0, his associations are the worst out of everyone.

Only assumption that needs to be made is that he’s capable of fpsing and using reverse psychology as a wolf.

But mostly he’s just the only one person in PoE in my eyes.

Dyb not existing at all yesterday does worry me a bit but Its probs cuz eastly hammer

/vote sirderpsalot

This doesn’t matter at all.

vote derps not modeshifter