[FM] Hell in a Cell D6 Mafia - FACES WIN! SULIT CHAMPION!

So are we gonna hammer mode or try to actual use day or what

If I were in sulit’s place there, somehow, I’d agonize over the choice for the entirety of the day lol.

I don’t care.

I could keep adding details and elaborate to why game ends today.

Not sure if it’s truly needed.

everyone vote derps

Probabaly not needed but up to y’all


can tomorrow you vote derps with me?

ill vote mode if you do


inb4 it’s between Derps and Dabu and I’m just going to make the wrong decision and feel terrible about it afterwards woo

vote derps

are there any objections to me just hammering

Not really.

Even though I can’t help but have increased heartbeat rn.

you two vote derps

derps is last scum

/vote Mode


Well, that didn’t take long at all

VC Sponsored by Marshal

Voted Votee Votes
ModeShifter Astand, SirDerpsALot, Sulit 3/3
SirDerpsALot DybuDabu 1/3
Not Voting Modeshifter 1

@DatBird @Geyde

ModeShifter has been Sweet Chinned Music right out of the ring he was… READ GEYDE’s lore



Face Vanilla

The Undertaker and Stone Cold Steve Austin v. Mankind and Kane [L]
Mankind v. Kane [NC]
Kane © v. The Undertaker [W]

You bring your UNFATHOMABLE supernatural presence to the ring yet still find a way to not win.
You have no special abilities.

You’re here to take down all the Heels who would dare tarnish OMNIPLEX 2020.

Well since we are obligated to turn off the lights by the Heels or be sent to the shadowrealm for 24 hours. Unless everyone agrees to end the lights early by sending /skip night in their classcard

Everyone immediately went for Kane
Dude doesn’t fit in with the GRITTY and REALISTIC setting of OMNIPLEX

Shawn Michaels went on top of the turnbuckle only to SLAM onto Kane, utterly DESTROYING them.

The lights have been turned off so you children at home don’t have to see Kane getting dragged to hell for his crimes of sucking

1 Like

modeshifter was…


Face Vanilla

The Undertaker and Stone Cold Steve Austin v. Mankind and Kane [L]
Mankind v. Kane [NC]
Kane © v. The Undertaker [W]

You bring your UNFATHOMABLE supernatural presence to the ring yet still find a way to not win.
You have no special abilities.

You’re here to take down all the Heels who would dare tarnish OMNIPLEX 2020.

night will end in 24 hours or when all of you say you want to skip the night. express as such in your rolecard if you dare