[FM] Hell in a Cell D6 Mafia - FACES WIN! SULIT CHAMPION!

Wait I think I’m mixing JK up with nuf

one seocnd

I think he did it in both ?


Yeah he did it in both

More in jk than nuf

Zones game

Oh I didn’t follow that game

Anyway Italy town


I agree with this, but Seth doesn’t feel scummy this game.

Let’s not execute a towny in general. Are you scum this game?

Seth is just Seth and I don’t think that’s a reason to vote him out. Instead if you are town how about you lead him to make the right decisions. I know from experience that most are followers and not leaders.

I plan on fixing that, don’t ya worry pal

Will there be boots to aasses?

Sometimes gutreads aren’t so bad, but at this point we don’t have much mech info, so why even rely on mech info?

Stop trying to lynch people who are town (even if they are useless).

I could see Kyo being scum, but I could also see Kyo being town. I don’t know how to read Kyo as much as I would like.

Lynching said useless people is also anti town. Lead those who are playing dumb

I don’t know, it could come from a W!Kyo

This is true, I was one of the few people to believe Arete in RM4 and I was correct,

I have to agree with that

Rich wants more content

I will be posting more in a bit, don’t ya worry

Give it time

Rich just wants more content

I didn’t quite say reads, but I will provide some reads later for sure

Also I am still confused as to what is even happening here (ah yes d1)

I have some friends online right now, so I will be back in a hour or so.

Full disclosure I can’t read An and idk if I’m even gonna try

What kinda friends?

There’s less than 24 hours left in day 1, the time to make reads was yesterday.

Alright cya Gorta.

Good friends

I was sleeping then, but I will say that Derps,CRich, and Seth seem towny. I kind of have a bad feeling about Kyo, but I am not 100% sure.

If you want to know why I think the way I do then let me explain. Derps is just derps and seems towny in this case, CRich wouldn’t be pushing for me to speak if he was scum (well he might do that as scum, as Geyde did that on others in SFoL 60, but I am not sure about CRich doing stuff like that), Seth is well Seth and uh I don’t think he is scum, but I want to see W!Seth one day (I just hope I am not paired with him), and my thing on Kyo is just a gut read thing for now. I know gutread = bad, but I suspected Kyo as scum in SFoL 60 before subbing in.

oblight never flips town

oblight always scum

your anti-town scum

sulit is town, vote derps, oblight, or modeshifter

stop bring mafia into town, scum

Checked out my game yet?

mode is sheriff claim?

/vote modeshifter

italy is town

i think hes vig or jailor

modeshifter and oblight are voting him

this never flips scum

Jailor isn’t a role.
Jailkeeper is.
Jailor isn’t.