[FM] Hell in a Cell D6 Mafia - FACES WIN! SULIT CHAMPION!

Very useful, thanks crich

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I think you actually enjoy the excuse that everyone else did it because it exactly applies.
More people have contentless posts then I do. In fact our interaction right here is creating content

I get the game is frustrating when people commit logical fallacies.
Yet we’re human. Having a good sense of humor is vital when playing social deduction games.

Why do you think I started it you fool? Why do you think I voted you? lmfao


Okay, being serious, I don’t like the way that CRich just jumped on to the idea of Seth not being scum because he hasn’t been scum. Also, his null list… does nothing? Why would you make a null list?

Yes as I was hinting at.
It indeed Is possible for me to be scum as I have the SamE chance of flipping scum as anyone else.

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Doesn’t even matter, I already stated why that saying it’s a joke means 0.

But unfortunately I am Town once again.

Yeah my bad. I need to stop making typos.

As I said before about ob_L1ght, he is a town lean based on my interaction with him so far.

I want to try something though.
Would you be interested in a Seth Style Thunderdome?
Feel free to back out of it as will I.
But note that when you accept this and one of us flips. The other will also be flipped if the flipped player is Town.

I don’t think you feel that strongly to do this as Town thus I’m confident that you won’t except this if your town.

Check yourself before you wreck yourself, fool.

No, it sounds deluded

You ain’t doing shit for Town either Einstein.
Your throwing shade and tunneling me.
That isn’t doing much.

Wait, explain this to me Seth? Also, accept*

Who wouldn’t make a null list?

That sounds like a thing offered at a restaurant that everyone knows to avoid because it lacks flavor.

You’ve literally just admitted this interaction is creating content
Which one is it? Oh, I’d also like to see the post where I threw shade as well.
And don’t worry I’m coming around to SirDerpsAlot after you

If voting is content then why isn’t Sulit’s Vote Content?
Because they didn’t want to tunnel Wazza?

I see derps is the top poster so far in this thread, yet I haven’t seen him commit to any reads so far.
I’m scum reading this slot for now based on his lack of analysis.

Because it’s only been an hour-fifteen, and you just talked about low posters…? also the fact that you called me a no-poster

Pushing me for false reasoning also means 0.