[FM] Hell in a Cell D6 Mafia - FACES WIN! SULIT CHAMPION!

Current VC.

Voted Votee Votes
Ami oB_L1ght, Ami, KyoDaz, ModeShifter 4/6
SirDerpsALot DybuDabu 1/6
DybuDabu SirDerpsALot 1/6
Not Voting an_gorta_pratai, Astand, Sulit, Wazza 4


…what is there to elaborate on?

This half

What about it?

Ami and Dybu are outed scum.

I don’t know why any of that is a thing

Dyb is outed?

Uh yes?

I like briefly skimmed some stuff so idk what’s going on

He claimed an impossible class and then changed it to vanilla when it wasn’t possible.

The reason he lied about it was to get you lynched.

See the issue is the way he’s been playing I honestly could see him doing this as town but like either alignment I still want head to die at some point so

Why exactly is it either me or Astand their BTW


Astand was defending Dybu.
Dybu was going for you.

I mean town can defend scum I wouldn’t rely that much on association

Also most of the game had them as a TR IIRC so

He fished every PR out because he claimed Tracker

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also why aren’t you voting AmI?

Because we have all day