[FM] Hell in a Cell D6 Mafia - FACES WIN! SULIT CHAMPION!

Exactly the way a new player coming from ToS or ToL would think, no?
Get claims from people.

I don’t think he actually believes a thing he says. Don’t think even someone from ToL or ToS plays this way.
Pretty sure he’s just a troll in his entirety.

Not only that, I searched absolutely everywhere for his name.
No results. Still convinced he’s trolling or pulling a massive reaction test he pre-staged by calling himself another alias he doesn’t use in ToL or ToS.

Does anyone wants to argue that is a post a novice player makes when they have TMI? With this sort of reasoning?
I’d argue it’s almost absolutely never tbh.

It’d be a completely insane opening for a wolf to make in their first game.

And yeah, I think Derps recognizing it quickly and being excited about it is good look for Derps. (as scum he wouldn’t be happy clearing townie for this)

Null reads.
Ami (At this point I’m thinking town, as she is behaving the same as she did in my previous game with her/)
DybyDabu (His 1st game apparently. I have no idea if his reaction to being pushed indicates village or wolf as of now.)
Italy (LHF as always in my games with him. Tempted to scum read him based on his posts.)
Zone_Q11 (His posts so far aren’t indicative of alignment, so null read.)
astand (Town lean based on his pushiness so far. Asking me questions about my null list.)
oblight (Town lean based on his meta)
Soolit (Based on her similar behavior tells in Poisonous Mafia, this is probably town.)
an_gorta_pratai (This slot doesn’t have much to go on. Still a null read)

Elaborate on this.
And what alignment was sulit in Poisonous Mafia?

I think are town so far:


Kyo maybe kinda sorta.

My comment about Italy refers to how he is easily scum read even when he is town. The context is from my previous games with him such as Poisonous Mafia.
She was town in Poisonous Mafia.

I mean, I don’t think I remember Ami’s meta very well, and I remember Alice correctly meta reading Ami for not trying too hard in Anime, so I probably won’t consider Ami’s low effort stuff to be that wolfy.

i was technically villa that game

sfol 58 is my most recent scum game

So do you actually scumread anyone so far?

How is sulit the same to their town game and did you ever see their scum game?

I want to see CRich’s town games. (iirc he said he doesn’t have group scum games)

Threadstate feels like there is no particular direction anywhere except some people pushing specific other people more or less randomly without anything having traction.

I somewhat want to say that if I had to guess now, scum might have been doing nothing the entire game so far, with chaotic village fighting occuring.

At least I think it’d be consistent with the feeling I get.

@astand here is a town game of mine.

Astand is probably town. CRich is in line with what I remember of him being noble and sticking to the side lines.

So your PoE is anyone who hasn’t been talking much? Is that understanding correct?

I’m not certain if I want to buy Zone’s excuse of him wanting to play slowly.

I failed to find a reason to call him a villager in his ISO and he’s certainly not playing to his town meta.

Wazza isn’t doing anything despite appearing in the thread at more than one occasion. No reason to find him a villager so far. But I guess it’s also a boring read to make.

Italy is being consistently on sidelines. I don’t like how he asks for tldr and does nothing afterwards.
He actually does it TWICE.
I’m actually not convinced he’s excited to play this game. And I know he got tired from wolfing a lot lately.

I can see him being scum easily.

Everyone who isn’t in my town list is PoE at this point. Which includes some people who talked, like you or Light, as I’m not sure what to say about two of you.

I did feel that your remarks in your null read list are kinda dull and don’t have much behind them.
Some reads you made throughout made me think “Eh, that’s fine”, but, I’m not sure how to say, I didn’t feel good enough about your flow?

Idk what to say about Light.