[FM] Hell in a Cell D6 Mafia - FACES WIN! SULIT CHAMPION!


come here and vote oblight go lynch

oblight is confirmed scum with modeshifter

Okay Dabu, what happens if you’re wrong? What is Light flips town?

Dybu is worse than Marg
oh my lord

Why would you even compare him with Margaret Celeste instead of ModeShifter SethTheKing?

Because he isn’t as bad as people say he is.
Dybu is clearly trolling and gamethrowing at this point.

To be fair, how is that any worse than what I had attempted? Also, clearly Derps wants me dead for not being loud. Understandable, given my meta wherein I abuse my meta to look town, but… I’m kinda forcing everyone -including myself- to shed that meta.

–anyhow, it worsens my play because instead of a loud-but-towny bad player, I have now become a silent and unmotivated bad player.

–so, how are things looking in the game? <1000 posts and not much of a ruckus, I see?

I didn’t say you were doing good. Town this game has imploded on themselves. There is no hope at this point. We have an obvious troll, someone randomly voting people (yourself), someone relying on gutreads, three people practically inactive, one blatant scum that’s practically openwolfed, two people sitting on the sidelines

How are we supposed to win with this table when practically everyone’s gameplay is antitown to the point we are guaranteed to lose

Posts like these are more anti-town than all of that combined

Do you even know what anti-town means

This is a wakeup call for people to get their act together because we are destined to lose unless people sort this out and vote sulit.

:coffee: I dunno, but I’m enjoying every single bit of it.
Kinda wish the EOD was shortened to 24 hours, but that’d mean that we’d already be lynching someone by now. …welp, I don’t really care who dies D1 with my current role anyways, so this is fine.

Why would we vote sulit again?

(Confirmed as PR, sulit sees this with the following post)

(Heavily softed N0 cop)

ModeShifter + Light were becoming top wagons at this point and he’d already claimed so I’m going to drop votes on them as ModeShifter is one of my townreads

Sulit proceeds to vote me because I said ModeShifter was N0 cop

No town ever pushes for this lynch here.

Not to mention they voted me out of…

Everyone in their PoE? They’ve completely flipflopped.

Your post is legit saying oh no this game is going to be too hard we shouldn’t even try because we’re gonna lose

Half the game is won based on town WiM. That mentality to the most anti town thing possible

No, this post is 'This is hopeless because of reasons X, Y and Z fix them"

Welp. I’m a dumdum and I don’t see Mode’s hardsoft as one, nor do I believe that we are in the world where 6 I’s appeared. Such odds would have to be 0.5^6, which has about 1.5% of occuring.

In other words; I’m with… none of you. Because both you and sulit propose that there is some Cop w. N0 results. It’s obviously ridiculous.

Unfortunately I cannot fix them because I can’t dictate who votes who or who thinks what

That doesn’t matter. It’s what sulit thought which was that because I gave ModeShifter’s hardsoft away of being a specific PR that I’m autolock mafia and voteworthy down from townreading me

Nowhere did you mention fix this just complained the game isn’t winnable

Stop bringing stats into FM

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