[FM] Hell in a Cell D6 Mafia - Informed S-pec-tators

/vote Not Voting
L1 time


Voted Votee Votes
Voted Mayrshal 1/3
Not Voting Guide, DateBeard 2/3
VC Janye 1/3
Not Voting CheeseCheese 1

but it’s a geyde redcheck
my reactiontests are shit

confused Jane noises

doesn’t this mean we hammered not voting at the beginning of the day for all eternity

How does that mean they’re not fake redchecks?

Marshal has revealed as an innocent child!

/vote Marshal

No not voting and voting for not voting is totally different

/Vote Marshal

I don’t trust this.

Keep in mind that I have no idea if this is how actual IC’s are announced, but I think this is fake.

Partly because it was done by the player themself.

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if I hammer not voting do all not voting players die


well all know IC’s announce themselves

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yes exactly

do i hammer marshal?

what’s your theme song

I want to do vca

not if I do it first

/vote marshal

Stop thats hammer no speak

I think this vc is telling
as you can see here mayrshal is indeed voting voted
which is a thing that exists

I didn’t know

“haha I forgot thread wasn’t locked”

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Voted Votee Votes
Not Voting DateBeard 1/3
Mayrshal Guide, Janye, Mayrshal 3/3
Not Voting CheeseCheese 1

Marshal was

Doink The Clown

make people laugh to win