[FM] Hell in a Cell D6 Mafia - Informed S-pec-tators

i had a really bad idea that used Chris B. but thats a bit far

Alright, hold on. I see bullshit.

Parents in the audience, please turn off the TV for a moment.

This isn’t something I like to do
It’s something I have to do

Takes out gun

We pride ourselves on following a stupidly specific set of rules

I would say nothing personal, but this is completely personal



I love it more than my own children

I don’t have children.

And neither should you.

I guess everyone left lol. Final 3 is gone

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everyone felt bad after john cena just fuckin left


They’re just afraid he’s still lurking for an RKO outta nowhere.

from ans

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sulit, vote already, you nerd.

no, taking your time in LyLo is smart

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I know but I’m impatient.

I am kinda rooting for Derps, only because Astand said he join me game if they did




this is LyLo represented in an image

send this to uninformed

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AAAAA fake qouting is against the rules.

Time to modkill a villager in MyLo

I’ve already warned them
Plus I’m not modkilling anyone in lylo

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Of course not.

The three remaining wrestlers stand in deadlock before Kevin and Mankind narrow their focus on each other. It seems like they know that Shawn isn’t worth it. That they need to get out the people they think they can get out.

Kevins faces the man who got him in to wrestling, Shawn Michaels. He’s desperate, desperate to prove himself, and desperate to win. He knows that he needs to stab Michaels in the back after Mankind is taken down, and that hurts him deep down.
Even though all he cares about it winning, he can’t help but feel a sense of reverence for Michaels.

He decries that he did it the best of anyone, he defeated one of the best wrestlers.
He knows he’d be locked in a stalemate without Shawn’s help, so he pleads that he is the most deserving one of all.

The speech by Owens sends Mankind into a howling laughter.
He interrupts Owens before he can finish, saying that this entire turn of events has been obvious the entire time. He says that Owens will do anything to win, even if it means stabbing Michaels in the back once this is over.
“Come on, it’s obvious. I’ve got nothing to hide, unlike the rest of everyone here. You help? I’ll let you take me down. ALL I want is Owens gone. No more, no less. And if you don’t help me, let’s just say you won’t have a happy ending.”
Mankind gives off a creepy grin when making the threat toward Michaels.

Michaels studies the situation, as this decision is a difficult one to make
To trust or not to trust…
Can he trust a madman with no morals suddenly proposing a deal to him? Or someone who has looked up to him since the beginning, yet seems desperate to win at all costs?
He notices Mankind give him a look, then realizes that it’s time for him to rise to the occasion.

Mankind goes in and starts choking Kevin with his socked hand while Michaels walks over slowly. Kevin is able to quickly counter with a reversal, knocking Mankind away before picking up a chair and slamming it into Mankind.

Mankind goes down with a smirk as Michaels sneaks up behind Owens. Owens is visibly tired after the scuffle, but the realization hits him like a ringing sensation.
This was Mankind’s plan all along.
Mankind couldn’t get Michaels to trust him, but he could get the pain he wanted and at the same time take down Owens since Michaels wanted the spotlight.

This realization gives Michaels the opportunity to surprise Owens, taking them down for good.

Derps was defeated…

Kevin Owens

Heel Watcher

Kevin Owens © defeated Seth Rollins
Kevin Owens defeated Shane McMahon

You’re a prize fighter that handles things on your terms and will do whatever it takes to provide for your family no matter how immoral it may be.
Each night, you may choose a player to spy on. You will know who visits them, if anyone.

You’re here to bring back wrestling to what it should be, starting by ruining the faces and OMNIPLEX 2020.

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is that your prediction?

I’m making both of them beforehand