[FM] Hell in a Cell D6 Mafia - SIGNUP THREAD [13/13]


Your logic is entirely linear

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just remember

anything you do is better than chloe

let that motivate you


these posts are def wolf posts

I haven’t finished reading your post but based on Part II + knowing Baz even slightly you were probably a wolf

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simple skip the wallpost, and read you elsewhere, as I cant be bothered reading that

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just something doesn’t feel right
might just me being tired tho

Here’s Abraxas harping on his tinfoil yet again, right at the SoD. Going straight to back his tinfoil to defend his backpedal isn’t a villager mindset.

this is like IIoA and agenda wrapped into one

In an actual game I wouldn’t have read that tho

Yep, those guesses are correct.

Anyone want to explain their reasoning?

People wouldn’t actually read that wallpost, and you probably knew that. To try and get people on your side. Or to have your wolf partners’ have an excuse to buddy you on the lynch.

The post is comprehensive and enough information to bury someone to hell and back
But it’s showy to the point that it’s more trying to appeal to everyone else than anything else

As I said before, linear reasoning as well


Mine was mostly for you saying town wouldn’t out there role as reasoning

it’s a bunch of shading and IIoA

the thought processes are base-level and a lot of it is kinda just full-on shading

“ A Firefighter is equivalent to a Doctor in this match, so no sane Firefighter would out themselves willy-nilly without any pressure at all as Abraxas has done here. You’d expect that such as flippant Firefighter claim would be a priority target to the n1 or n2 vigs, but since Abraxas was not the target of the wolves in either of these nights, then there is clearly something odd to his claim.”


You presented the case like a lawyer rather than having beliefs, as if it was what you should be doing rather than what you are doing. It was entirely linear.

you were pushing Baz for fakeclaiming Firefighter despite that being a thing you’re fully aware he would do as V

I skimmed the rest of the post after that but I’m too tired to come up with actually good reasoning

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