[FM] Hell in a Cell D6 Mafia - SIGNUP THREAD [13/13]

how did you bungle the form of “to” that badly

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I’m very much hosting this game
I have so many mildly funny things to modpost


I wasn’t serious to begin with, nerd.

/cohost :sunglasses:


I mentally think about what is said then I write it
That’s how you get stuff like that

Theirr’e pretty cool

I see
Then I’ll remove you from spectator

We just need one more

ill ban you from my birthday party


mass pingus then


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You see
Normally I would jest about how ans should finally join :eyes:

How about you play the game so I can actually read you.

cant sorry

I’ll pay you to join


Even though Astand’s presence is extremely tempting, I will politely decline.

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anstreim if you in ill give you blackmail

Idek who to @ cuz half the people I would are specs lmao

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