[FM] Hell in a Cell D6 Mafia - SIGNUP THREAD [13/13]

I’m a quarter serious

thats 30% more than i expected

108 P hydra

it should be 10p but chloe was forgotten

But the sweetness of my sole “no” vote outweighing 8 other people :^)

if we reach unanimous decision yes before there’s an in

can we actually be a thing?

weighing pros/cons:

it might completely ruin the game
its funny
it gets a player in to the game

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i’d play because I wouldn’t be attatched to the game much at all

prolly just shitpost a bit and be an even more informed spec

i think this outweighs any con

Bold of you to assume town won’t ruin game themselves

so was cheese, also im in there, and im gm

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eevee might can my game
I forgot to add that one

we didn’t let that stop us in Rokugan

why should that stop us now




the real heel

I feel like this exists either way

if rokugan keeps happening I’m going to be locked out of hosting

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Seriously though, I don’t think this is ever a thing to consider. Even if you are “quarter” serious.
I’d rather not see your game canned.

Probably because this

me to, but thats because this game wasnt made for hydras